

(Luna's POV)

After discussing Jacob's hidden talent, I decided to go to bed. I was really tired from all the dancing and singing today. I layed down on the bed and soon drifted off to sleep. Later I began to dream.


I was standing in a field. I looked down and I was wearing a beautiful, short white dress. The sun had a beautiful yellow-orangish color.

I started to walk around a little bit, until I saw a small house. The house had a terrace with flower pots on it. Their was a tire swing out in the front yard and a couple of bikes on the ground. I walked up to the door of the house and opened it.

Upon opening the door, I walked into a hallway with a staircase on the side. Looking around, I can see photos of Jacob, Athena and I with two other kids, a boy and a girl smiling. Then I spotted a picture of Jacob and I in what looks like to be our wedding. I smiled at the photo.

While looking at the photos, I began to smell something really good. I walked towards the smell and found Jacob in the kitchen, cooking. Then I heard multiple footsteps coming down the stairs.

I turned to see Athena, who looks about three years older and the other two little kids from the photo. "MOMMY!" they all said while running to me and hugged me. I was in shock. The other two kids are my children too. I began to hug them back.

When they let go of me, they went into the kitchen and I followed. Jacob turned to me and smiled. "Hey baby." he said to me and he came up to me and gave me a small kiss. "Go sit with the kids. Dinner is almost ready." he said and I nodded and did as he said. I walked to the table that the kids were sitting at and sat down at the end of the table. The table was set with plates and everything.

After a couple of minutes, Jacob came in with a pot and set it down on the table. He took the lid off the pot and revealed what dinner we were going to eat. Which was Chicken Alfredo. It smelled really good.

He served everybody, including himself and we began to eat. He were having a very good time talking, laughing. Its everything I ever wanted.

Then out of nowhere, the room went dark. I couldn't see a thing. When the light came back on, everybody was on the floor bleeding. I ran to the all the kids to see if they were ok, but they were already dead. I began to cry, but then I heard coughing.

I turned to see Jacob lying on the floor covered in blood trembling. I ran to him and lifted his body a little. "No, No,No, No. Please no. Don't leave me." I begged him. He looked at me and said "this..is... all.. your... fault.." And with that he went numb in my arms. He wasn't moving or breathing. Seeing this, I immediately broke down.

After a couple of seconds of crying, I felt a presence behind me. I got up, covered in all of their blood and turned around to see my mother, sister, brother and the lady that slapped Athena. They were just laughing and my mother came up to my face and said "This wouldn't have happened if you had just died". She then pushed me back and I was falling down a dark hole screaming. I just kept on falling and falling while still hearing their laughs.


I felt myself being shaken and someone yelling my name. I woke up in a sweat and saw Jacob with a worried face.

I quickly sat up and hugged Jacob. I buried my head in Jacob's chest and started to cry uncontrollably. He hugged me back without hesitation and began to comfort me.

After a while, I started to calm down and pulled away from Jacob. He took a tissue and wiped my face and stared at me. "Are you going to explain to me what was that? You were yelling my name and screaming like a maniac." he asked

It took me a couple of minutes, but I took a deep breath and I told him about the horrible nightmare. I told him everything from me in the field and looking at the photos to me falling in the hole.

After telling him, he pulled me into a hug. He kissed my forehead and said "I will never leave you. I promise and plus, you don't have to worry about the woman that slapped Athena." "Why" I asked and he replied "Because I sent her away to be tortured. Her family thinks she ran off with a Cabana boy." I hugged him even tighter not letting him go.

He then spoke again. "So are we going to talk about these two little children that are our kids and the wedding photo." I looked at him and said "Is that what you got from the whole nightmare." He chuckled a little bit and said "No, but since we are on the topic, we should talk about."

This guy is unbelievable. "I don't know if that will be our future, but it will be a possibility. Okay? So just drop." He nodded and layed me down on the bed and tucked me in.

He was about to go back to the couch, when I grabbed his hand. "You can sleep with me in the bed tonight. I don't want to be alone. Please don't leave me." I said. He chuckled and said "Ok. I won't leave you."

He lifted up the blankets and inserted himself in the bed. The thing was that he was keeping a distance between us. My head was telling me to keep our distance like that, but my heart wanted him to hold me in his arms.

Before my head could protest, my body was moving closer to him. I layed my head on his chest and his body stiffened a little bit. I didn't move or look at him, but from the corner of my eye I could see his lip curl up. His body loosened up and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. And with we fell into a deep sleep.

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