
The Creep Julio

The four trainers who are in the semi-finals of the Kalos conference league are Julian, Ash, Alain, and Julio.

These four names were in everyone's mouth, every person wanted to talk about this and discuss who will be the winner of this conference league, most people, of course, were behind Julian but there were still a few who believed someone else will come out on top and dethrone Julian from his status as the strongest.

The most likely candidate that people thought would win this battle is Julio, not Ash, not Alain. People didn't believe in Ash or Alain winning this tournament as they have seen Julian and Ash battle before and even though he has come closest to challenging Julian he could never defeat Julian.

They believed they would see nothing different this time as well if the two faced off again and as for Alain, people didn't have much confidence in him either because they believed his level to be equal to Ash and if Ash is not winning Alain is not winning as well.

Now the only one left is Julio, Julio is the mysterious dark horse of this tournament and he still hasn't shown his full strength during any of his battles.

People always liked to believe that something miraculous will happen, a dark horse will appear out of nowhere and dethrone the most favorable one to win, it was the same case for Julian as well.

He was once an underdog, he had no fame nor did anyone know him but he came out of nowhere and swept through the Kanto league as if it was a breeze, he also became the champion by defeating Lance and claiming the vacant seat of the champion.

Now people want another moment like that.


Inside a dark empty room there was nothing but a chair, a table, and a computer which is turned on and is the only source of light in this room, and right in front of the computer sat a man in black staring intensely at the screen.

This man is none other than Julio and the video playing on the screen right in front of him is of Julian, it's not the latest battle that Julian had in the quarter-finals, he has already watched that several times, this video dates back to Kanto.

He is watching Julian's battle against Lance and this is not the first time he is watching this battle, he has watched this battle multiple times and doesn't plan to make this the last one, he seems to be obsessed with it and the reason why he is obsessed with it is that he learns from them.

Everything he has learned about battling is from watching Julian's videos, he studies multiple videos every day as he was thought to do so.

The more he looked at these videos the more he wanted to replace the figure in these videos, he wanted to become Julian and completely replace him, he wanted everything that Julian has, his name, his fame, his company, his lifestyle, and even his fiancées.

In this empty dark room, if one pan to the left one could see posters of Chloe and Cynthia, there was also a board that had photos of Chloe, Cynthia, and Daisy on it, and these photos were not the ones that could be found on the internet.

They seem to be taken from a private camera meaning that Julio actually stalked these three whenever he got the chance and took their photos.

Once he was done with the footage of Julian, he stood up and looked at the board filled with photos of Julian's three fiancées.

Julio "Don't worry, soon you all will be mi-- mine, I will rescue you from him... You all bel-- belong to be after-- after all".

Julian whispered to himself and suddenly picked up a camera that was on an empty table and walked out of the room with his head covered by his black hoodie. He soon made his way towards a movie set with his camera and since there are many people just like him with cameras in their hands and are here to get some photos of famous people for work.

Julio was seen as just another man who is here to take photos of famous movies and tv stars, Julio first separated himself from the crowd and started to sneak around to find his target.

After looking around for a while he heard a few backstage workers talking about Chloe and how she took a leave from shooting today to spend time with Julian.

Hearing this pissed of Julio, from his perspective it is Julian's fault for Chloe not being here, it is Julian's fault that he cannot spend his time with his beloved Chloe.

Julio 'How dare you take away my Chloe from me, I will make sure to humiliate you and show Chloe and others that you are inferior to me in every aspect, they will soon see your flaws and I will be there to replace you'.

Julio thought and decided to leave and go back to his room but he decided not to and took a detour towards the central part of the city and finally arrived in front of a massive skyscraper.

This skyscraper is home to many massive corporations and one of them is also where Daisy works, he carefully surveyed the surroundings and realized that he cannot get in without any ID so he thought of something.

Julio 'Since you took away Chloe from me, I will not let you do the same to Daisy, I will be the one to take her with me'

Julio thought and took out a Pokeball and realized a pokemon, the pokemon he released is Gengar.

Julio "Gengar, use Hypnosis on those guards".

Julio ordered his Gengar to do so, his Gengar stared mindlessly at the guards and disappeared into the shadows and headed towards them, his Gengar was very different from a normal Gengar, it didn't seem to have any sign of intelligence in its eyes.

It was as if this Gengar was just there to listen to orders and perform them.

The Gengar soon appeared below one of the guards and use Hypnosis on all of them sending them into a trance, taking his chance Julio entered through the gate.

He didn't stop there and ordered his Gengar to perform mass Hypnosis on everyone present so no one suspects him.

His Gengar did as he ordered and everyone present on the floor whether they are people or pokemons fell in a trance as Julio made his way through the ID checking section and walked towards the elevator.

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