

-Naruto's POV-

I'm back to my teenage self, walking happily between Deidei and Sori, holding there hands.

"Puppet... Is this really necessary?" Sori asks holding up our intertwined hands.

"Of course! Otherwise you might leave again!" I say.

"We won't leave you..." Deidei says.

"Humph! You said that last time!" I say puffing my cheeks out.

They both sigh and just let me do whatever I want.

"Naruto... You know that you'll have to let go of then when we enter the gates right? Otherwise it'll look suspicious." Sasuke deadpans.

"Geh?! No way!" I whine and clutch there hands tighter.

"Pipsqueak, we really won't go anywhere." Deidei laughs and ruffles my hair with his free hand.

"I-I know that... But..." I mumble.

"Naruto... Now is no time to be selfish... If they get found out then at worse, they can be executed." Kakashi sighs.

"No!" I yell.

"Then let go of them... We're at the gates already." Sakura says.

I reluctantly let go of them, but stayed in between them.

As we cross the gate, no one said anything because sori and Deidei were with us. Which is lucky!

We enter the Hokage office with a loud bang.

"Granny!!" I yell rushing inside.


I squeak and hide behind Sori and Deidei.

"These guys are?" Granny asks.

"Sasori of the red sand..." Sori says.

"Deidara..." Deidei says.

"Please don't kill Sori and Deidei, Granny." I beg.

"Akatsuki..." Granny sighs.

I beg with my eyes.

"Fine... But only because they didn't kill you or make you feel worse then you did before." She says.

"Yay!" I grin.

"Hurry Hurry! Let's go to Ichiraku's, Deidei, Sori!" I jump up and down, pulling them with me.

"Wait! Naruto! Get rid of the Akatsuki cloaks!" I hear Granny yell.

I roll my eyes and tug there cloaks off them, dropping them to the ground then running off at full speed to get some Ramen.

"I'm not surprised this is happening..." Sori mumbles.

"It's pipsqueak... What do you expect?" Deidei sighs.

I laugh.

On the way to Ichiraku, we bump into Shikamaru.

I freeze because Kuzu recently killed Asuma-sensei...

Of course I feel sad for that and even more so because Kuzu killed someone precious to my precious people.

"Puppet?" Sori asks, noticing my freeze.

Deidei stops as well and looks where I'm looking.

"Hey... Isn't he one of the brats of the guy Kakuzu killed?" Deidei asks.

I hit him and he lets out an 'oof' sound.

"Naruto?" Shikamaru asks.


"O-Oh hey Shikamaru." I strain a smile.

Damn it... Sori and Deidei are here, he's too damn smart for this world... He'll figure out there in Akatsuki soon...

"Well... I'm very hungry, imma go now." I say quickly, dragging Deidei and Sori along.

"Just a minute." Shikamaru says grabbing my shoulder.

I see Sori and Deidei's eyes and hands twitch, glaring a hole in Shikamaru.

Man... There too overprotective...

"Yes?" I ask, sweating buckets now.

"Who are they?" Shikamaru asks pointing to Deidei and Sori.

"O-Oh them... Hokage-sama let them... Umm.... Visit... And I'm.... Giving them a tour! Yes a tour!" I laugh awkwardly.

Shikamaru's eyes narrow.

-Shikamaru's POV-

Naruto's sweating... He doesn't want me to know about those 2 behind him...

When I touched him, those 2 started twitching... There overprotective for a reason...

They didn't just visit Konoha...

Naruto used a respectful term for Hokage-sama...

He's nervous.

He wants to escape me, he knows I'll figure something out about those 2.

I heard about the Naruto and Akatsuki case since Hokage-sama needed me to help with figuring out who the Akatsuki were, from Naruto's memory.

While I was calculating, they left and went to Ichiraku...


These 2 look familiar...

Don't tell me there from Akatsuki...

Let me think...

Red hair, must be Sasori...

Blond, long hair... Deidara...

"Puppet... You're ordering too much..." I hear the red hair say.


Sasori calls Naruto that if I remember...

They must be part of the Akatsuki then...

Makes sense on why Naruto wanted to avoid me...

Oh well, not like I hate them... They took care of Naruto after all...

I walk away, thinking about things.

-Naruto's POV-

After our little trip to Ichiraku's, I take Sori and Deidei to training ground 7.

I pat my stomach in satisfaction and sat down.

Sori sat next to me and Deidei sat next to Sori.

I yawn and lean into Sori.

"Puppet?" Sori asks in surprise.

"Shh... 'm tired..." I mumble and fall onto his lap.

I feel him stroking my hair.

It doesn't feel like Itachi's but it still feels nice.

-Sasori's POV-

I stroke his soft blonde hair as he falls asleep on my lap.

"You really have a soft spot for him." Deidara laughs.

"Not like you don't." I retort.

"Touchè..." Deidara grumbles.

It was silent for a couple more minutes while we listen to puppets soft breathing.

"...Mm... Daddy..." We hear Naruto mumble in his sleep.

I sigh.

"He's still attached to Itachi?" Deidara asks in disbelief.

"Apparently." I reply.

"Heh, you hear that? He's still attached to you." Deidara chuckles to someone in the trees.

"You should return... You have a child now and a little brother." I say as well to the person in the trees.

"I would've done it ages ago if it wasn't so hard." The person replies.

"He's waiting for you, you know?" Deidara asks the person.

"I want to be there with him... But I'm not sure the village will let me back in..." He replies again.

"Well hurry and do whatever you can... Your child is going to get depressed if you die... Itachi." I sigh.

Itachi nods before disappearing back into the woods.

Naruto moves around a bit before opening good eyes again.

He jerks up and looks around.

"What's wrong?" Deidara asks.

"D-Daddy... It felt like daddy was here." Naruto says looking at us with a frantic look.

"He wasn't..." I hesitate to say.

Naruto slumps back down.

"...Oh... I must have been imagining things then... Must be because of my headache..." He mumbles.

"Headache? What headache?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh nothing..." He says and moves off me.

"Pipsqueak... Why the hell are you burning up?!" Deidara yells and pushes Naruto to the ground, hand over his forehead.

"I-I'm not burning up!" Naruto yells and pushes Deidara as strong as he can, which by the way felt like a light tap to Deidara.

"Your strength is gone too. There is something you aren't telling us." Deidara says as he gets a bone chilling aura around him.

Naruto pales and shivers slightly.

"I don't know! This had never happened before!" Naruto yells.

"What?! You've never gotten sick before?!" Deidara yells in disbelief.

"Of course not! I have the Kyuubi inside me! He would've gotten rid of any diseases before it even touched me!" Naruto yells back.

"Gasp!! Watch your tone Pipsqueak! That's not how you speak to me!" Deidara says and puts his hands on his hips just because.

"I'm not a baby!" Naruto retaliates.

"Well you were a baby when I met you! So it's natural to scold a baby when there doing the wrong thing!" Deidara sticks his tongue out.

"As much as I find the fact you guys are fighting like a bunch of babies amusing... We need to get Puppets temperature checked out." I stopped there argument.

"Sori! I'm not a baby!" Naruto glares at me.

I stare at him with a emotionless stare before crouching down and stroking his hair.

He relaxes immediately and leans into the touch.

"Hm, only a baby likes getting stroked on the head." Deidara smirks.

Naruto pulls back quickly.

"N-No I-... It's not-... This isn't-... Argh!" Naruto stutters.

Deidara laughs while I smirk slightly.

"It's only because I've never been stroked on the head as a child!" Naruto manages to yell in his flustered state.

Deidara's laughter ceases immediately and my smirk gets replaced with a frown.

"That's right... I forgot that you were hated by the villagers... They didn't harm you in any way did they?" Deidara smiles sweetly.

"N-No they didn't! Of course they didn't! There nice people!" Naruto answers a bit... Too quickly.

"Just perfect... I've been wondering who to give my art to as a present recently." Deidara cracks his knuckles.

"I also have a few poisons that need testing on... Worry not, they'll be tested on animals." I assure Naruto with a smile of my own.

"A-Absolutely not!" Naruto jumps up then winces and falls to the ground clutching his head.

"How in the world did you get sick anyways?" I ask.

"Ahahaha... I might have or might not have jumped into the freezing cold lake just outside the Akatsuki base before my birthday party when I was a child." Naruto says in a weak voice, still managing to say it all with a weak smile.

"Hey... Wasn't your uncle carrot watching you at that time? Did he not warn you?" Deidara asks with his scary aura once again.

"No he did warn me! But I was a child and being rebellious so I ignored him! It's my fault!" Naruto says quickly.

I twitch.

"Oh. I see. Then, your punishment is to stay in bed for the next 3 days while me and Deidara treat you back to normal health. Without ramen." I smile.

"Noooo~~~~ WhAt iS FaMiLY???~~~" Naruto sobs.

Deidara and I laugh at that and I pick him up casually, seeing as he doesn't look like he'll move anytime soon.

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