
Show of trust

Jos struggled with her nerves once again as she pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. "It was almost easier facing Zeus…" She muttered to herself as she wrung the steering wheel.

"You'll think of something… you always do…" Hypnos's unsettling smile taunted her from the mirror.

She shook her head. "Oh, I have an idea… but that doesn't mean it will work."

"Have faith, little sparrow." With that, he seemed to vanish.

Jos frowned. She spent the past hour's drive wishing she could have just a second's peace to think, but no… Lately, it seemed like she was never alone whether it was her waking or sleeping hours. Her nerves were shot and all that got her through was the thought that it would all soon be over and she, Shiori, and Arei could soon live as a family… hopefully… That is if, and a big if, Hypnos kept his word and if what he had promised to be fact were truth and not empty words meant only to get him what he wanted. Her eyes moved to the wide multiple doors of the front of the hospital. Russ, Rin, Ry, and Arei stood out front a cigar in their hands. Jos tilted her head as she sped up her pace. "What is this all about?"

Russ tossed one arm around Rin's shoulder as he lifted his cigar in the air. "Celebration of course! What else would it be?"

Jos shook her head as she stopped in front of them. "I'll never understand that particular male tradition. The woman nearly kills herself pushing your children from her body, yet you celebrate?"

Rin shrugged. "It is very stressful. Let me assure you, had I been here to witness Cam, there wouldn't have been a second time. These boys will be the last. Shelly will not go through this again."

"Wasn't it a c-section?" Russ asked.

Rin's eyes bugged. "Do you realize what they do during a c-section? They cut your sister open while she was still awake, pulled her organs from her, cut the babies from her, handed them to us for a brief moment, slapped some stitches in there, then forced her to move around like nothing had happened a few hours later." He shook his head. "Never again, mark my words. I've already scheduled my vasectomy."

Russ's mouth dropped open. "Seriously, dude?"

"Dead fucking serious, man!"

Russ looked around at the others. "You guys hearing this?"

Arei shrugged. "I've had like five…"

Ry chuckled. "Yeah, count me out on that, but to each their own. It's a hell of a lot easier on dudes than chicks for sure." He patted Rin's back. "Good for you, man. As long as you talked to Shell about it first." He sent Arei a knowing glare.

Russ shook his head. "Maybe it's a good thing Jaden's having such a hard time getting pregnant then…" He ran his free hand over his neat bun as he took a heavy draw from the cigar and blew it out slowly. "Fuck… guys…"

Jos cleared her throat. "I'm going on inside. You boys… um… yeah… continue then, I guess…" She paused. "Um… Ry… can I… talk to you later?"

Ry shrugged. "Why wait? I'm ready to head in. We can talk on the way up."

Jos sent Arei a glance. When he nodded her on with a lift of his cigar, she sent Ry a nervous smile. "Alright."

Ry's brows knitted, but he held off any questions until they were out of earshot. As the elevator door closed he pressed the top floor button and leaned against the rails. "I'm guessing you're not wanting to go to Shell's room immediately… so what's on your mind?"

Jos wrung her hands. Her nervous eyes moved along his now lean frame in the reflective glass of the elevator over to his face and pensive eyes. "Ry… I… I need to ask you a favor… and I need you to keep an open mind and trust me without asking questions."

He nodded. "I'm listening."

"You can't say anything to anyone either…" She muttered nervously. "Especially Arei."

His eyes narrowed. "And why would I do that?"

Jos swallowed. She'd expected something of the sort. She knew the brothers were close and wouldn't go against each other easily. She cleared her throat. "Because you owe me. Because I wouldn't be in this mess right now had it not been for what you did in the past… so now I'm asking you to make good on that debt."

Ry stared at her for several long minutes as the elevator doors opened to the rooftop garden. "Come on. Let's talk about this out here. I need to know exactly what I'm agreeing to before I say yes or no."

Jos looked around as she followed him out. "I don't feel comfortable telling you everything in such a public place, but if you come to the house early tomorrow I'll tell you everything… and I'll introduce you to the person helping me."

Ry blew out a sigh as he walked toward the edge of the roof. "I have a feeling I already know who is 'helping' you Jos… All I'm asking now is what are they helping you with."

Jos stared at his rigid back as she followed. "I met with Zeus today… We have agreed to a truce. He is stopping by the house tomorrow to meet Shiori and wants to meet Cam as well. I need Arei out of the house… and would prefer if Cam were too… or in the least had extra protection."

Ry turned on her. "So, what do you want from me, Jos? You know how I feel about Zeus. You want me to come play nice or spend the day lying to my brother?"

Jos blew out an exhausted breath. "Neither. I don't expect you to be okay with any of this, especially right away. I'm actually more grateful for the fact that you aren't because that means you will be more willing to help me protect the kids."

He nodded slowly. "True. So, you want me to act as bodyguard then?"

"Yes. Cam and Shiori both love and trust you. They need someone there tomorrow that they can feel comfortable with besides me." She took his hand in both of hers and sent him a pleading gaze. "Will you do this for me?"

Ry frowned. "How am I supposed to say no when you put it like this?"

Jos released the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yeah… Sure… What time?"

Jos smiled as she squeezed his hands tighter. "Would 12:30 work for you? I'm sending Arei to the tailors to be measured and then on a few other errands so he should be gone for about two or three hours. Zeus isn't expected until one. That should give me time to explain everything else in full detail."

Ry nodded. "I'll make it work." He switched their handhold and began playing with her cold hands. "Jos… are you alright? You're not in trouble, are you?"

Jos sighed. "No more than usual…"

"You'd tell me if you were in real trouble, right?"

She shifted her gaze from his seeking gaze to their hands. "I'm here with you now aren't I?"

He pulled her into his arms and wrapped her in a tight hug. "I'll do whatever I can to help you. Just let me know whatever it is you've gotten yourself into tomorrow, alright." He placed a kiss on the top of his head. "And for the record, I would do it regardless of whether I owed you from the past or not. I've always felt a kinship toward you, Jos. You should know that."

Jos nodded against his tight hold. "Thank you."

He released his hold on her. "No problem. Now, you gotta get in here and see these twins. They're the absolute cutest things since Arei and me." He sent her a wink as he lightly nudged her shoulder.

Jos giggled as she shook her head. "I'm sure."

The second Jos stepped into Shelly's hospital room Shiori reached out to her from Poseidon's arms. Her confused eyes moved from the babies in Shelly's arms to Jos. "Babies?"

Jos nodded. "Yes, two babies."

Shiori held out her hand and a red ball materialized out of nowhere then she held out her other hand and the ball began to split into two identical red balls. "Babies…"

Jos giggled. "Yes, the babies are identical aren't they?" She went to touch one of the balls, but it vanished as she did… nothing more than a perfect illusion…

"Are these for your brothers?" Poseidon asked as Cam held out two balls that matched the ones Shiori had created. When he nodded, Poseidon chuckled. "Well, here's your balls I guess. It's amazing how these two work when they're together."

Shelly stared back at the two children in amazement. "What all have they been doing?"

"Oh wow. We didn't get a chance to tell you!" Jos carried Shiori over to the chair sitting beside the hospital bed. Her gaze moved over to Poseidon. "Do you think it would be ok to ask them to do it here?"

Poseidon shrugged. "I don't see why not, but perhaps we should wait until everyone is here." He pulled out his cell phone and called Arei. "Are you guys done down there yet?"

[Yeah, We're on our way up right now.]

"Good, hurry." He didn't wait for a reply as he hung up and carried Cam over to sit beside Jos. He sent Shelly a smile as he pulled a chair over. "These two little rascals are quite amazing, let me tell you! You'll not believe what you're about to see." He nodded to the twins. "And I'll not be surprised if they'll not be able to do the same when old enough."

Soon enough the door opened. Russ and Arei followed Rin inside. "What's up? Did something happen?" Rin asked in concern.

Poseidon shook his head. "No, nothing of the sort." He smiled knowingly over at Jos. "We just have something we thought you should see." He and Jos set the two children side by side. "Kids, would you like to show the babies the planets like you did last night?"

Ry crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall opposite Jos silently holding her gaze. No doubt, he was about to witness what it was that had captured Zeus's interest in these two children… enough so that the self-proclaimed king of gods was willing to lay aside all current family spats to make peace.

Cam and Shiori exchanged glances before finally nodding. They reached out for each other and clasped hands.

"How cute." Rin commented before being stunned and silent by the room suddenly filling with a bright array of stars and planets. His mouth dropped open. "Which one of them…"

A wide smile spread across Poseidon's lips. "Both…"

Ry leaned forward, his questioning eyes locking on Jos but all she did was shrug.

"Man, and I thought Rin was amazing…" Russ muttered from beside Ry.

"No kidding… Skills that could rival the gods for sure, especially at this age…" Ry replied his gaze still locked with Jos's.

Rin's head tilted to the side as he reached out to try and touch the planets. "How?"

Poseidon shrugged. "The combined skills of Kitsume illusion and Gin magic? They can connect mentally as well."

Shelly's wide eyes moved to Rin. "Can you read my mind?!"

Rin shook his head. "No! Trust me!"

Her brows knitted as her attention moved back to Shiori and Cam. "Then…"

"It would be within the power of a Kitsume… but the question is… is she allowing him access to her mind or is there some kind of open channel between the two…" Poseidon said in wonderment. "It's obvious it has something to do with physical touch…"

Rin backed toward the door. "See if you can keep them going for a bit longer. I'll be right back. I'm going to call Mom over." Rin stepped out of the room as he pressed his phone to his ear. A few minutes later he and his mom were stepping back into the room. Her eyes were wide in wonder.

"I've never seen Gin powers present this early, but it is entirely possible… especially with a powerful aid like this little cutie." She said sending Shiori a smile as she made her way over to the bed. She bent and gave Shelly a hug and kiss on the forehead, then each of the babies before moving her attention to the older kids. She bent in front of them. "Are you not getting tired, sweeties?"

Shiori looked at Jos for guidance as Cam shook his head. Jos tried to explain. "Are you feeling sleepy from making the planets?"

Shiori shrugged. "No… Easy…"

"Does it feel like Cam is sleepy?"

Shiori shook her head. "No." She moved her attention back to Cam. "Can we show Gammy more?"

Jos's eyes widened. She turned questioning eyes to Poseidon, and he nodded. Jos smiled back down at Shiori. "Yes, sure. Show Gammy whatever the two of you would like."

Shiori tilted her head to Cam. "I like that one…" She seemed to squeeze his hand tighter as the planets faded and the room became a bright blue. A watery shein shimmered all around. The room became the inside of an aquarium. Fish swam around the entire room.

Shelly gasped. "I remember this place! We took Cam here a few weeks before his birthday!"

Jos ran her hand over Shiori's hair. "Would you like to see this place in real life?"

Shiori nodded. "Fishes? Yes, please."

Jos smiled around the room at the sight before them. "I have to say though this is almost more amazing… Is this Cam's memory itself or is this what Cam remembered?"

Poseidon smiled. "At his age, it would have to be the memory itself. His brain is not developed enough for such a vivid memory."

"This is amazing." Jos whispered as she squeezed Shiori. "I can't wait to see what else you're capable of as you grow!"

Cam and Shiori are adorbs. I really wanna do a spin-off of them one of these days... but I also really wanna be done with SL for a while especially since I've been working on it since 2017...

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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