
Love Distractions

Poseidon had joined all the others as the congregation stood and applauded the newlywed couple. His gaze trailed after them as they made their way back down the aisle, waving to guests as they went. He blew out a disappointed sigh as April and Drake joined hands and followed the wedding party. It was evident from the rapid souring of the crowd there would still need to be much in the way of progress before the villagers accepted the new werewolf, vampire alliance. A light touch to his forearm drew his attention away from the hushed growls and snarls of the villagers. He arched a brow as he glanced down beside him. "Yes?"

Artemis quickly glanced around her. Once she was satisfied with her brother's distance from them, she leaned in and whispered. "I need a distraction…" Her pleading gaze locked with his. "Please, Uncle…"

Poseidon's brows furrowed in confusion for a few seconds before realization dawned. "What is it you are planning, dear?" His eyes moved around the crowd. "Surely, if you have questions about… a certain someone, you would be better off asking me later… wouldn't you agree?"

She quickly shook her head. "You know well, if I were to say I was paying you a visit, Brother would get suspicious." She gripped his arm tighter. "Besides… it is her I shall need to speak with, not you. Please."

Poseidon blew out a reluctant sigh. "Very well…"

"Thank you!" Artemis gave his arm an affectionate squeeze as she smiled up at him.

He arched his brow. "But I'm not sure what you're expecting to learn from her that I would not be able to provide. He is my son after all."

Her smile faded as she replied. "Fathers do not always know their children… or their children's hearts…"

With another sigh, Poseidon nodded. "You're not wrong there… Perhaps more so in you and your sister's case…" He gave her head an affectionate pat. "Be safe in whatever you decide, dear; and don't hesitate to ask for help if you find yourself in need."

Her eyes brightened and a smile returned to her lips. "Thank you, Uncle."

"Anytime." Poseidon rubbed his chin as his eyes moved around the room. "A distraction, huh…" A wide grin spread across his lips as an idea came to mind. "This shall be fun."

Poseidon stepped out onto the back lawns with a mischievous pep in his step. Apollo had just finished a long-winded speech and was stepping aside to allow Artemis to address the crowd. The non-werewolves had already separated themselves from the hunting group and were enjoying the alfresco buffets. He hung back as he listened to her speech.

Artemis's gaze moved around the many people gathered around, her nervousness masked well behind her usual cool deminer. "For many hundreds of years, since Apollo and I reached adulthood and were fully able to step into our powers as gods, we have honored the creatures who took us in and help raise us. As wolf-born gods, we have always had a close kinship with you all. To honor our connections we have always hosted hunts, just you and us… but as I look around this crowd gathered here tonight… and recall the last gathering we shared…" Her eyes moved slowly and meaningfully around the crowd. "I realize we are no longer gods and wolves. We are more. I see a union of various creatures all gathered here for one purpose as one family." She squeezed her fist tightly against her chest. "It makes me proud to see this union, to see different factions coexisting so easily. I can't help but think back to a time when even we gods had strict divisions between ourselves. It makes my heart ache with joy to see each of you move past that animal instinct to reject what is not like you…" Her gaze lingered on the wolves that were still keeping their distance from the others, especially the vampire present. She spread out her arms. "In celebration of this special union, I propose an open hunt. Instead of having the bride and groom compete with only pack members, I invite you all to join." She turned to Apollo. "Will this be acceptable to you brother?"

Apollo's eyes narrowed, but he finally relaxed as he nodded. "The more the better."

She sent him a wide smile as she waited for the clapping to dissipate. "I shall give everyone a few minutes to regroup." Her eyes burned into Jos, praying she would agree to join. She grew more hopeful as Poseidon made his way over and whispered something to Jos. Her heart skipped a beat as Jos nodded, her wide eyes moving over to meet Artemis's almost desperate gaze.

Arei clutched Jos tighter against him. "Are you sure? It could be a trap or trick of some kind. Artemis has been known to act out violently without thinking of the consequences more time than not."

Jos nodded her head, unable to fully hide her worry. "It… should be fine… sh-she just wants to ask about Ry… and probably the island…" Jos's eyes shot to Poseidon. "Right?"

Poseidon nodded. "More or less, I'd imagine."

Arei furrowed his brows. "More or less?" His gaze turned to worry as his eyes moved from his father back to Jos. "Are you sure? You don't have to talk to her by yourself, you know. Say with me. She can ask you anything she wants with me here by your side. Hell, I'd be able to give her more information about getting onto your mother's island than you." He clasped both her hands. "It's not safe, kitten. Don't make me lose you now… not after we've finally made some forward progress in our relationship."

Jos swallowed down her own worry as she forced a smile. "It's fine… I'll be fine. I'm sure, it will just be a few questions. She'll have no reason to turn me into whatever animal they're hunting tonight…" Her gaze moved to Poseidon again. "Right?"

Poseidon squinted one eye as he forced a smile through clenched teeth. "Right…ish…" He ran his hand over his hair as Arei tightened his hold on Jos and sent him a menacing glare. He threw up his hands. "We're here, aren't we?! She'll be protected!"

Arei narrowed his eyes at his father. "She better be." He sent Artemis a warning glare as he loosened his hold on Jos. He bent and gave her a lingering kiss before pressing his forehead against hers. "Run, get away from her at the first sign of trouble. It's obvious she's wanting to get you out into the forest alone for this conversation. If you have even the slightest feeling of danger, don't hesitate to call for me. I WILL find you!"

Jos nodded as she pressed up on tiptoe and gave him a parting kiss. "I promise. Don't worry the entire time I'm away, alright."

He blew out a growl as he forced himself to release his hold on her. "Easier said than done…"

Jos reached up and patted his cheek. "I love you. I'll be back as soon as I can."

He cupped his hand over hers, moving her palm over his mouth and pressing a kiss into her palm. "I love you, kitten." He held her gaze as he reluctantly released her hand.

"My damn…" Raven shook her head as she walked over and threw her arm around Jos's shoulder. "Can't say I'm upset about missing out on the two of you and all the lovey-dovey bullshit."

Cheri chuckled from behind her. "It's both a blessing and a curse." She teased with a wink.

Jos tilted her head. "Are you guys joining as well?" Her eyes moved around the group. "Where's Isha and Scylla?"

Raven nodded to one of the many long tables. "Isha isn't big on anything that leads to sweating… except maybe sex…" She gave a shrug. "And even that can sometimes come with limits… besides she's busy getting baby time in."

"Same… It's hard enough for Scylla to be in human form for too long, so she's vying for baby Cam's attention as well." She tossed her arm around Arei's wide shoulders. "What about you, little brother? Will you be joining?"

Arei rolled his eyes at her endearing nickname for him. "Pass… I've had enough hunting to last several lifetimes. Unless it can be obtained from the freezer or meat section of a grocery store, I'll not be 'hunting' it."

Cheri shrugged as she released her hold on him. "Your loss. And here I was wondering who would be better… You or Apollo."

Arei grunted in irritation. "Trying to get me shot by the bastard too, are you?"

Cheri's smile widened. "He didn't shoot Ry… Artemis did…"

Arei gritted his teeth. "Don't remind me… especially if you want me to sit here and trust Jos with that crazy woman."

Cheri arched a brow. "Better watch your words or you'll be turned into the deer her dear wolves will be hunting." She sent him a wink as she nudged Jos forward.

Jos sent Arei a concerned glance from over her shoulder as Raven and Cheri urged her forward. She knitted her fingers together. "This… this will be alright… right?"

Cheri's joking deminer slipped away as she leaned in closer to Jos. "That is why we are joining you. I expected Artemis would seek you or Russ out while she was here… Don't worry we have a plan."

Jos's eyes widened as she glanced between Raven and Cheri. "We?"

Raven sent her a wink from over the cellphone she was currently rapidly texting on. "We…"

Russ blew out a frustrated sigh as he lowered his phone. He caught Jaden's hand and pulled her into his arms. "Baby, let me apologize in advance. I'm sorry…but be warned… Shit's about to get weird…"

Jaden's brows furrowed. "Weird? How so?"

Russ shook his head. "Remember all the shit I told you about the first few times I met Poseidon?"

Brows still furrowed, she nodded. "Yes, why?"

Irritation, embarrassment, and concern battled for prevalence over his turbulent expression. "Well, you're about to get a firsthand show of what that looked like."

Jaden's hand flew to her mouth as she tried to hide her laughter. "Really? How do you know?"

He nodded to the group toward the back of the crowd. A wide smile spread across Raven's lips as their eyes met, and she sent them a mischievous wave. Russ shook his head. "See…"

Jaden gave up trying to hide her amusement. "Would you be angry with me if I said I'm actually looking forward to seeing it?"

He blew out an exasperated sigh as he rolled his eyes. "Of course you would be…" He lifted his phone back up and sent a quick text as he muttered. "Let's get this over with then…"

A bright smile spread across Poseidon's lips as he lifted his phone.

"What is it?" Arei asked, leaning over to read the confusing text.

Poseidon chuckled. "Though I'd rather it would have been a surprise, it looks like prince puppy just decided to take one for the team."

Arei arched his brows in confusion as he watched Poseidon lift his hand and flick his wrist. His eyes widened as hysteria began to break out through the crowd. "What the hell?" His eyes snapped back to Poseidon. "What the hell did you just do?! Where's Russ?"

A wide smile spread across Poseidon's lips exposing pearly white teeth. "I'm providing a distraction. Not to worry, if all goes well you should have your bride-to-be back sooner verse later."

Arei grabbed his father's sleeve before he had a chance to vanish. "At what expense?! It's the kid's wedding! In front of everyone!!!"

Poseidon shrugged. "Would you rather Jos have to deal with both Artemis and Apollo?"

Arei's brows furrowed and his lips fell into a deep frown. "Well… no…"

"I didn't think so." Poseidon patted his shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse me."

Poseidon vanished before reappearing at the front of the congregation. Jaden and several others from the wedding party were clutching their stomachs in laughter causing the guests to be even more surprised. Poseidon bent and lifted the irritated Pomeranian from the ground. Poseidon turned to address the confused crowd. He chuckled as he ran his free hand over his hair. "My bad, I sneezed and… what would ya know next thing I know, Russell here, is being turned into a puppy…" He shook his head. "What can I say other than, things get a bit crazy for us gods during allergy season, am I right?" He sent Apollo a wink as he handed the equally puzzled god the small dog. "Thanks, Nephew…" His eyes moved around the crowd. "Well, I guess that leaves us with one of two options… either we figure out how to change him back… or we change the rest of you…" His eyes continued around the quiet, baffled faces as they stared, frozen back at him. He quickly moved his finger under his nose as he faked a dramatic sneeze causing the crowd to burst out in chaotic commotion all at once. He narrowed his eyes as he masked a smirk. "No one has nose spray or allergy medications, do you?" He glanced over at Apollo as everyone else busied themselves with searching pockets and purses, hysterically questioning one another about possible remedies. When he noted Apollo still staring dumbfoundedly at the Pomeranian, he moved his gaze to where Artemis had been. She was now whispering something to Jos. He waited until Jos gave him a slight nod, before bringing everyone's attention back to himself. He threw his hands up. "Oh well… what could normal medications do for a god anyways…" He held his arms out for the puppy. "Perhaps we should just focus on getting the king back to his normal form…"

Apollo awkwardly handed the small dog back to Poseidon, too stunned to expect any kind of trickery. "Here… then… We shouldn't doddle…"

"Right you are, Nephew." Poseidon bent and whispered to Russ. "Ready to put on a memorable show? I'll toss you… you know what to do."

The puppy begrudgingly nodded. Poseidon sent him a wink before tossing him high into the air. Russ swallowed hard as he waited for the second his body was returned to his own control. He squeezed his eyes shut as his collision with the ground drew closer. Just as his front paw connected with the longest blades of grass, he felt Poseidon's control lift. He pushed all his energy into releasing the beast, praying that its form would replace the puppy instead of his naked human body.

Gasps sounded around the large crowd as more guests squeezed in to see the massive beast crouched in the center of the gathering. Even among the wolves, many had never seen an alpha's true form. For many of the others, it had been years since they'd last seen the large frame, bright red glowing eyes, or the long humanoid limbs capped with razor-sharp claws.

Russ moved his gaze slowly over the crowd, surprised to see even Jaden had gone from laughing to taken aback. His gaze finally locked with Poseidon's before nodding.

Poseidon sent him a smile in return as he held his arms out wide and began addressing the crowd. "You see, we decided… somewhat last minute… that since it will be a combination of factions with rather powerful creatures joining the opposing side." He nodded toward the group gathered around Artemis prompting Raven, Cheri, and Jos to raise their hands guiltily. "That team Apollo should have an equal advantage." He sent Apollo a wink, not missing the prideful smirk that spread over the sun god's lips. "Before you now stands your King, your leader, your Alpha." He let his hands drop inciting clapping all around.

With my family trying to one-up each other's horrible medical problems, I will probably have to drop back to 2 chapters a week for the time being... at least until I can get caught back up. It has been a complete and utter disaster here over the past 2 months, and just as we think things are about to start looking up, some other disaster occurs.

I'm damned and determined to get his novel completed by no later than the end of summer! So here's to praying that goal gets met some how!

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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