
Baby, let's get away

The faint ring of a phone woke Jos and Arei from a peaceful sleep. Arei stretched his free arm to the phone laying on the nightstand as his other cupped Jos's shoulder, holding her against his side. "Hello?" He answered.

[Marcus has escaped. Keep your guard up, he could very well be coming for Jos again... and this time he has nothing else to lose... It could make him unpredictable and dangerous.]

Arei's eyes reflected their worry as he found Jos's bright aqua eyes in the darkness of their bedroom. "Does Peg have any lead as to where he went?"

Ry let out a heavy sigh. [Not yet. Whoever helped him escape hid their tracks as well as his. It almost had to be an inside job.]

Jos rolled to her side to get out of the bed, her thoughts automatically going to Shelly and the baby downstairs.

"Are you sure? I mean the vampires were able to get in to assassinate the woman who rolled on them." Arei's grip on Jos involuntarily tightened as she shifted to set up.

[I'm sure, man. Security was tightened after all that.]

"Alright... Keep me updated." Arei said before hanging up the phone and turning his attention back to Jos. "I'd prefer if you didn't leave my side until this is figured out."

Jos frowned. "I was just going to go down and let Shelly and Rin know what was going on. They live here and are in equal danger... especially if someone is after me..."

Arei nodded as he released her and shifted out of the bed on the other side. "You're right, they should know... But it doesn't change the fact that I don't want you out of my sight right now. You're too reckless with your own life when you're trying to save others."

Her frown deepened as she tugged on her robe. "You make that sound like a bad thing..."

He arched a brow at her as he rounded the bed. "It is... excruciatingly so for those of us who love you most." He caught her arms and pulled her against his bare chest. His eyes held hers, worry engraved in their depths. "I know I'm overbearing when your safety is on the line, but I can't... I won't change it. I'd rather you be irritated with me than to see any harm come to you. I love you too much to even think about the possibility of losing you again so soon."

"And I feel the same way about Shelly... and now baby Cam... I will do everything I can to make sure they are safe." She pressed against his chest as she moved to turn, but his grip tightened.

"I love them too, Jos, but Marcus isn't after them... he's after you. Trust me to keep you safe as well as them. We'll go down and tell Rin. They are his family now. It will be his decision how he decides to protect them." He let out a heavy sigh as he moved his grip to her hand and guided her toward the bedroom door. "Unfortunately, that will probably involve taking them away from here... And I can't blame him."

Jos's brows furrowed as they made their way down the stairs. "Maybe... maybe not... He wasn't able to protect her last time... or himself..."

Arei frowned as he pulled her to a stop halfway down the stairs. He cupped her face as he searched their depth, hoping to catch the second the full meaning of his next words registered. "Sometimes the greatest powers can be that person's greatest weakness as well. It's easy to become too reliant on a power or ability. It causes us to become careless... until the unexpected happens... I promise you he'll not make the same mistakes a second time. I've watched him during training these past several weeks. He doesn't use any magical abilities and is still quite powerful. Trust him to protect that which is dearest to him with just as much determination as you or I would protect that which is dearest to us."

"What are you two doing up this time of night?" Rin asked as he made his way out of the bedroom.

Jos tilted her head. "What are you doing up?"

Rin lifted a bottle. "Refill. Shell's asleep so I figured I'd just heat up some of the milk she pumped earlier."

Jos giggled. "She'll probably be awake before you get back with that. A mother will always know when her baby is hungry."

He shrugged. "Maybe... but figured I might as well try. Couldn't sleep anyhow."

Jos frowned as she and Arei followed him into the kitchen. "Then what we have to tell you will not be doing you any favors tonight..."

He grunted as he pulled open the fridge. "I already know... You don't have to go into details. Russ texted me..."

Jos let out a sigh. "So, what do you plan to do? Will you stay here?"

He shook his head as he popped the milk into the microwave. "No... Though I'm sure Shelly will be pissed about that. You understand though..."

Jos nodded as her gaze moved to her hands that were fidgeting with the robe tie. "You're not wrong to want to leave... I wish there was another way... but..." She risked a glance up at him. "Wh...where will you go?"

Rin let out a heavy sigh as he shook the bottle and tested the temperature on the back of his hand. "Mom and dad's... They have reinforced the wards around the palace... besides it's about time we go back. I don't want to keep the baby away from mom. She misses Shelly like crazy too. She's set up an entirely different wing for us, so hopefully, it will be easier..." His gaze lifted to hers. "You know you're more than welcome there as well. You would be protected."

Jos frowned as she nodded. "Thank you, but I can't leave the island unprotected. Even if I'm not here, there's still a chance the island would be attacked and the people harmed." She sent him a weak smile. "Take care of Shelly and the baby... and... and please come back once this is over..."

"Come back? Who says I'm going anywhere?" Shelly said sleepily. The baby's feet were sticking out from under a blanket thrown over her shoulder and his head. She was obviously breastfeeding.

Rin rushed over to her. "What are you doing up? He hadn't started crying yet, and I was coming with a bottle."

Shelly giggled lightly as she nodded to the blanketed baby. "Crying or not my boobs knew he was hungry... I had to change nightgowns."

Realization dawned as Rin's eyes widened. His eyes moved to the bottle in hand. "Well, I guess I'll not need this..."

Shelly laughed again as she made her way over to the sofa. "Alright, so what's this secret middle-of-the-night meeting all about?" Her gaze moved around the three anxious faces, and her smile fell. "Oh lord, what now?!"

Rin let out a heavy sigh as he sat down beside her and began explaining what Russ has said in the message. Arei filled in what Ry had told him. "I see..." She said, her gaze moving from the anxious faces to the baby in her arms. "And you want us to leave?" Her eyes darted back and forth between Rin and Jos.

Jos swallowed hard. "You know I don't want you guys leaving... but it's the safest thing right now."

"You don't even know that there will be a danger." Shelly argued.

"Are you willing to bet your child's safety on that?" Arei asked. He walked over and sat on the table in front of her, placing a light hand on hers. "I don't want to see you guys go either, but keeping everyone safe is my main focus right now. The truth is Jos will be much safer if she and I have less to focus on if something happens." He nodded toward Rin as he noted the tears beginning to form in her pale blue eyes. "Besides, don't you think it's time to rekindle your relationship with your in-laws? I bet it's been tearing them apart not to be able to a be part of this little guy's life except over calls and video chat..."

Shelly nodded, unable to fight back the silent tears that streamed down her cheeks.

Jos carefully wrapped her arms around Shelly and the baby. "I promise this isn't goodbye! I love you!"

Shelly wrapped her free arm around Jos. "I love you too!" Her teary eyes moved over to Rin as she rested her head against Jos's shoulder. "When are you wanting to leave?"

Rin frowned. "Ideally, as soon as possible. We have no idea when or what the man will do now that he's free. He could go into hiding or try to make a move before he's caught. I'd rather have you out of harm's way as quickly as possible." He ran a nervous hand across the back of his neck. "Tonight would be best..."

Shelly moved her questioning eyes to Jos, and Jos nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Alright..." She said as her attention moved back to Rin. "I'll pack our things as soon as the baby's finished eating..."

Rin shook his head. "I can come back for them." He glanced over at Arei and Jos. "You guys wouldn't mind gathering Shell and the baby's things would you?"

"No, not at all." Jos said, her voice breaking with emotion.

"Can I at least change clothes?" Shelly said in frustration.

"Yes, of course." Rin said as he pushed up from the sofa and held his hand out to her. "I need to call mom and give her a heads up anyways."

Arei moved onto the sofa beside Jos as she watched them leave the room. "It's for the best, kitten. I honestly wish I could talk you into going to dad's until Marcus can be located, but I know you'll not go willingly."

She shook her head. "I can't leave the people unprotected. I refuse to see them endure more punishments because of me."

Rin and Shelly were emerging from the bedroom in no time. Rin was placing his phone into the pocket of his sweats. Shelly gripped Cam against her chest as her teary eyes met Jos's. "The only reason I'm willing to leave is for him... nothing else in this world would force me away from your side..."

Jos nodded as she ran toward Shelly and Cam and pulled them into a tight hug. "I'll see you guys soon! Don't worry. Give Jamilla a hug for me." She forced a smile as she held Shelly out at arm's length.

Rin patted Jos on the shoulder. "I wasn't kidding earlier, you're more than welcome to either come with us or come there later. You'll have our protection."

Jos shook her head. "Thank you, but I can't..."

He nodded. "I understand." His attention moved to Shelly. "Ready, love?"

Shelly nodded, a whimper slipping from her lips as his arm wrapped around her. "Jos!" Her words were cut off as they vanished from the room.

The overwhelming sadness Jos had been holding back came crashing down on her the second they had vanished. Her body crumpled, but strong arms caught her. Arei scooped her into his arms and carried her back to the sofa. "It's for the best, kitten." He placed a kiss on her forehead as he gently brushed away the tears with the pad of his thumb. "We'll get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible. You're not fighting this battle alone this time. No one else will be hurt, I promise."

"You can't promise something like that... It's not within your control..." She whispered against his chest.

"No... you're right... but I can promise I'll do everything within my powers... and so will my brothers..." He silently prayed to the gods for the strength to see his words through as he continued to hold her in his arms long into the night.

10-ish chapters left of book 3! Let me know if there are some unresolved issues you think I may have forgotten or overlooked. I'd like to see where your interests and questions are at the moment.

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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