
Complete Darkness

Li Xueyue realized exactly what a fool she had been for not stopping in any of the other towns she had seen along the way. 

On a few occasions, she had come across signs pointing towards the different villages. But after her first encounter with the bandit town, she was too hesitant to venture anywhere else except to head in the direction towards Hanjian's capital to the best of her abilities.

Now that the rain was coming down more heavily and nipping at her skin like arrows, she had finally understood the stupidity of her paranoia. 

"You scaredy cat," she chided herself.

If she had swallowed her fear earlier and stopped by a town, she wouldn't be stuck inside of this tiny cave, shivering to death.

Her teeth clattered from the frosty cold. She had barely managed to start a fire with the howling wind, but now the flames were becoming smaller. 

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