
Treason Against The Crown

Li Xueyue comfortably settled into her seat. Then, without warning, she shot out of it, her eyes wide. 

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Duchess Wang Qixing inquired, her eyes widening out of shock.

Li Xueyue climbed out of the carriage, storming to Wen Jinkai with determined footsteps. "Where is my pendant?"

Wen Jinkai studied her for a brief second. From the flutter of her hair against the wind to the glint in her eyes, she meant business. Her lips were pursued at his lack of response. 

"What is in your hand?" Wen Jinkai asked, his gaze briefly lingered upon her fist. He knew Yu Zhen must've slipped her something.

"Give me back my pendant." Li Xueyue pretended he didn't just ask her a stupid question. Whatever she had, it had nothing to do with him. 

"Why do you want it back so desperately? So that you can give it to him?" Wen Jinkai threw a disgusted glance towards Yu Zhen who nearly rolled his eyes at the childish provocation.

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