

"Neither of you were pardoned," Emperor Fadong declared, forcing both men to halt from their chase.

Yu Zhen utilized all of his willpower to not roll his eyes. To him, the Emperor of Wuyi was a joke. What type of ruler had the time to scheme for entertainment when he had a country to worry about? What made him so carefree and relaxed? Unless… there was someone ruling from behind a curtain.

"It seems the Little Lady's line of suitors has increased." Emperor Fadong chuckled when Yu Zhen did not turn around. The Emperor smirked to himself when he saw Yu Zhen's finger twitch in irritation. Someone had to teach this Commander that he was on enemy soil, not his home. His behavior might be excusable in Hanjian, but it was not accepted in Wuyi.

"Oh, but don't worry, Commander Yu Zhen. Xueyue has not been promised to another yet. As a matter of fact…" Emperor Fadong briefly glanced at Wen Jinkai's taut body, "She can't be promised unless it's her own will."

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