
To Lose Another

"I'm going to kill you," Li Wenmin snarled, unsheathing his sword the second Xueyue was whisked out of the carriage. "What the hell did you do to my sister?!" he demanded, storming towards Wen Jinkai who could instantly knock the sword from his hand.

"Do you realize what you've done?" Li Wenmin seethed as he grabbed the unmoving Commander by the collar, yanking him close. "You've sullied her reputation. Three hours alone with a man, unaccompanied by her maidservants. Do you understand the damage it could have on her future? The whispers have already begun, you bastard."

"I once respected you as a man and a Commander, but look at the mess you've created," he hissed and pointed to the golden staircase. "You better fucking explain yourself to the Emperor."

Li Xueyue was perplexed by the grim faces of the Duke and Duchess. Duchess Wang Qixing was distraught beyond words, her eyes moistened. She was on the verge of tears and the Duke couldn't do anything about it.

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