
The first floor-Fire-KS!

"So tide, why haven't you commented on how I look?", I asked the mage.

He shrugged, " I didn't want to be rude. My mom said never judge a book by its cover. "

His response seemed sincere so I nodded and sent him a group invite. " Care to join me?"

He accepted the group invite and I saw his information appear in the corner of my vision. Level 3 Illusion Mage.

"Thorn! Your level 1! "

"Yeah so? What happened to judge a book by the cover? I'm stronger than I look. ".

He submitted and I led the way down the spiral steps.


You are now entering an event instance!

The only way to leave is through completion of the event or through death. Are you sure you wish to enter?

Tide also received the same notification. He looked at me and laughed, " I would march into the maw of the devil himself in my pursuit of knowledge!'

I smiled, "My man."

Together we passed the threshold and stepped into the event instance. I could hear the stone entrance above us closing up as we descended.


You are the first to discover the Temple of Archanos! Gained 700 experience! (5060/5000) Gained 10 fame!


You have leveled up! You are now level 2! Hit points increased!

Tide commented on his experience gain, " Wow nice xp! I can't believe we are the first ones here. I figured everything would be explored by now. "

The walls were carved with flame designs so it was not surprising that I saw before me a level 5 flame elemental. The elemental was made of pure flame with no flesh beneath. It's form was constantly shifting and flickering. The information displayed above the elemental showed that it had 3000hp and the ability to cast level 1 firebolt.

Tide was worried, "How are we supposed to fight those things? You are a warrior! Physical damage won't work on them. I have a damage spell, but it is weak. We are so screwed!"

It was no coincidence that I had two magical weapons perfectly suited to fight these monsters. Skye was manipulating me.

"Calm down tide. Have you forgotten the magic sword I held to your throat?"

I equipped the frostweavers, one in my main hand and the other in off-hand.


You have generated the sub-skill two weapons fighting. level 1/5

"Holy crap! You have two magic weapons! They deal frost damage at that! Nevermind, maybe we aren't screwed. ", Tide said while breathing a sigh of relief.

" What spells do you have? " I asked Tide.

He pulled his wand out and made a circle in the air with a line straight down the middle. He performed the action very fast, showing off his skill. Though a simple rune, using magic requires an artists touch. His rune was drawn perfectly. The magic activated.


Player Tidalus Maximus has cast blur upon you. Duration 10 minutes. Targets have a 50% chance to miss when attacking you.

My image became blurry, which would greatly help me to avoid damage.

My health at level 2 was only 210, which meant that one or two hits were all I could take from the elemental.

"Tide, what does the rune for fire-bolt look like?"

"Well, firebolt is a level 1 spell, so it will look just like the spell I just performed. "

"So, a circle with a line in the middle?"


"Alright, I'm about to start, prepare to assist me if things go wrong. "

"No problem, I got your back man. "

I had a theory on how to avoid the fire-bolt and wanted to try it out.

The stairs had led to a long corridor, with the elemental blocking the way ahead. I rushed forward with determination and focus. The fire elemental began casting fire-bolt as soon as I entered its range, which was around 20ft. In front of the elemental, a rune was being drawn. I paid close attention to this process, preparing myself to act as the circle completed and the line began to come down the middle.

My theory involved the actual casting of the spell. A spell must have a target and a location. Each space in this world would have to be defined by numbers, or coordinates within the background programming. The AI would have to choose a coordinate when the spell completes.

The rune completed and I dove to the left into a roll. The firebolt flew harmlessly to my previous location fizzling out as it hit the wall.

I was still 10 ft away but now I knew my theory was correct. This AI lacked the ability to do any kind of tracking or aim re-adjustment. I would be able to easily dodge its attacks as long as I watched the rune and timed it right.

I closed the gap, and dodged to the left as the elemental used another fire-bolt. I activated rapid strikes and my weapons shimmered. "Huh, both are activating?" I thought to myself as my perception of time slowed down. Typically there is a red shadow that I adjust with my eyes. This is the game interface assisting in the attack, highlighting in red where you plan to attack. The strange thing was the number of red shadows that were present. Six!

I had no time to think about it and directed the red shadows to the center of the elemental and hoped for the best.


Extremely effective! Double damage!

You have dealt 400 damage! (2600/3000hp)


Extremely effective! Double damage!

You have dealt 405 damage! (2195/3000hp)


Extremely effective! Double damage!

You have dealt 430 damage! (1765/3000hp)


Extremely effective! Double damage!

You have dealt 399 damage! (1366/3000hp)

Critical Hit!

Extremely effective! Double damage!

You have dealt 835 damage! (531/3000hp)


Extremely effective! Double damage!

You have dealt 498 damage! (33/3000hp)

Holy crap! Both weapons were able to activate rapid strikes, giving me six attacks instead of three. I assumed this was because of Rapid strikes being rank 2. Most likely power attack will only be able to be used with one weapon until I rank it up as well.

The elemental had a sliver of life left, and prepared to use power attack to finish it off, but a tiny light zipped by me and hit the elemental, popping up a tiny damage figure.

Tide has dealt 56 damage to the elemental.


You have slain Flame elemental! Gained 300 experience! (5360/10000)


Soul-steal successful, Tide has created minor soulstone.

I turned to see Tide holding a stone in one hand and his wand in the other.

I only had had one thought, "Killstealer!"

Next chapter