
Maximum Loot!

I had a rare opportunity to test the limitations and requirements of my wooden sword. First I wanted to see if I could loot the gnoll warchief without doing anything to him. I tried to loot him, but it wouldn't let me. Ok so just being unconscious is not the prerequisite.

I smacked him a few times with the sword and tried to loot him again. Once again it didn't let me. Durn.

I lightly tapped on his face and the warchiefs eyes began to open. I attacked him with the sword immediately, rendering him unconscious once again.

I tried to loot him again and.....succeeded!

Sweet! So I just had to be the one to cause him to blackout.

I accessed the digital screen floating above his body and took everything.

-Warchief's leather chest piece +40 armor +3 strength

-Warchief's leather pants +35 armor +3 strength

-Warchief's leather boots+35 armor +3 strength

-Warchief's leather gauntlets +35 armor +3 strength

-Steel Greataxe-(89-99 damage)

-large silver key

-crudely drawn map of the area

-scroll of detect magic level 1

-minor soulstone

-basic mana potion

-book- a beginners guide to magic principles

-tobacco pipe

I didn't take time to really look at what I had got from him. I was worried about the gnolls respawning around me, and didn't want this bundle of experience to go to waste. I switched back to frostweaver and finished off the war-chief with four quick strikes.


You have slain gnoll warchief! Gained 750 experience! (3950/5000)

I looked down at his dead body and saw the floating digital screen. Wait didn't I already loot him?

I tried to loot him and the screen showed two items. I took them.

-large silver key

-Steel Greataxe

Another Steel Greataxe! How is that possible!?! In blank when you kill a monster, certain loot will drop. Each monster has a loot table that defines all of the things that could drop from them. Each item on the loot table has a certain chance to drop based on percentage. Typically the rarer an item is, the lower the chance for it to drop. So although a monster may have an awesome weapon or armor, you still only have a chance to get those items. My wooden sword seems to be able to bypass this and gain access to everything on the loot table.

Double loot, though I did not expect to be possible.

Holy crap! I never tried to loot the female elite! The possibility of getting another frost weaver was such an incredible thought.

I took off sprinting out of the camp, around the stack of rocks and into the forest. Shit! I forgot to loot the first chieftain! What was wrong with me today? I would have to go back and hope the body was still there. I hoped the female gnoll was still in the forest as I ran full speed towards her body. Thankfully her body was exactly where I left it, and hadn't de-spawned yet! I wasn't going to press my luck and take my time, I had seen videos online of monsters de-spawning moments before being looted. I didn't want this to be me.

I felt like I was pressing upon the borderline of what should be allowed, but this thought didn't derail me. I accessed the floating screen and looted the gnoll interceptor.

-Frostweaver(magic weapon)

-treasure map

-2 silver 10 copper

Score! Holy crapola! Another frostweaver! Freaking epic!

Once I looted her, the gnoll interceptor began to disappear into digital nothingness. I turned and made my way back, stopping to loot the bodies along the way. Geez, I had killed a lot of gnolls.

I managed to make it back and loot the gnoll warchief before I saw a gnoll respawn.

-Warchief's Leather boots +35 + 3 strength

-minor soulstone

I approached the gnoll grunt that had respawned and killed him with one swing.

Gained 10 experience. (3960/5000)

I refused to leave all of the loot I had laying around, but the gnolls were beginning to re-spawn. I spent the next thirty minutes looting and killing any gnolls that popped up.

Gained 400 experience! (4360/5000)

-x56 gnoll ears

-x22 fur chestpiece

-x20 crude dagger

-x22 basic health potions

10 siver 20 copper

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hhikngcreators' thoughts
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