

After a while of walking, I found myself wandering the country road between the city and a town a good few miles away from the city.

Worst mistake I have ever made since I joined my old homes national karate team four years ago.

The night rolled in unusually quick and the roads were getting more rockier and harder to walk across without stumbling or knocking rocks aside. The little noises that I was making was attracting the very few zombies who had either stumbled onto the country roads or who had died on the country roads. Fighting these zombies was even harder than fighting with zombies in the city, just because I couldn't see very much past what was arm's length in front of me.

The further I got away from the city, the quieter it got. At first it was comforting, I really enjoyed the silence, however, after a while it became eerie and discomforting because I've been so used to the noises, the shouts, the low growls and disgusting choking gurgling.

A few moments of silence pass and then a loud swoosh filled my ears from behind me. Swivelling around on my heels, I turn to try spot the source of the noise.

"why the hell did I not pick up a torch?" I mumbled to myself in frustration as the sound of movement moved to my side, I followed the noise around and around until it just suddenly stopped. Abrupt. Loud. Silence.

The silence that was put where the noise was, was threatening and heavy. The evening was even more dangerous than the day. I couldn't see, so I was relying simply on my hearing and smell. It was a risk.

The city was too far away and I didn't know how much further I was away from the town so I decided to just run. Run in a straight line. Don't look back. Don't look forward. Don't think. Just run.

When I started running, I realised that I wasn't running by myself. I was running away from something.

Loud, thundering footsteps of a heavy footed person trailed behind me at my heals. Knowing this, I started to panic. I can't die here, I can't die in this situation.

I could hear my heart in my ears. Pounding loud and fast, the faster I ran the faster my heart did. Like I was racing my own pulse and death.

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