
Afternoon of Opening Ceremony (1)

After I took my bath I decided to change my appearance before I goes outside and stroll around the capital. I change it completely different from the last time, now I got much more feminine look than before. A big black eyes, half circle thin eyebrows, well my eyelashes already feminine enough, while I make my lower lip a litte bigger. Yep it perfect, as I roll my my hair making it a little wavier before change it to a black color with blue highlight. Yep, this look is perfect, then I change my voice pitch to those clear soprano. I feel weird when I heard my own voice. Of course I didn't do anything to my body, I only change to those gender neutral clothes. Which basically female adventurer clothes.

So what was my plan right now while being like this? I plan to register as adventurer, since I starting to feel like I need to raised my level. I could raise my body potential with training but it become stagnant lately, my potential raise so slow. I think there a limit of body potential which related to level. Since if you could just training yourself, why bother hunting monster and leveling up?

So there definitely a limited amount of body potential for every level. Although my potential still raising, but it getting slower. I raised by half point in 4 days before, now I only raised by 0.3 after six days of training with the same amount of training.

So why bother changing my appearance? Of course it because I don't want to be famous! It that simple, I want to keep my shitty, and useless noble image in public. That why I need to make pseudo character. Why I change it to look like girl? Because I can't change my appearance too much. I could reshape my muscles, but it doesn't mean I can change my skeleton. Also making a huge change took to much mana.

My appearance right now only took around 2 mana per hour. If I change my face completely like different person, it would take around 8 mana per five minutes. Because I need to hold the change in muscle completely, while right now it only eyes, lip and hair color that only a highlight. It also straining my face muscle if I change it completely. While this one, I only change it slightly by lowering or thickening it after all. It also perfect to fool people, because I look like a girl right now.

Honestly this wasn't my first time crossdressing, or maybe I should said it wasn't old Zein first time. Since he and Lein love to confuse people by swapping their clothes. So my body got the gist of being a lady, I guess that also the reason why Lein being a tomboy like that. After my change I walk out my room confidentially then goes to blacksmith. I need a real weapon, a katana if I could find it. It definitely out there, since there is a word for it. Or maybe a thin long short, since I am used to dodging than blocking.

I arrive at one of the best blacksmith in the capital, and walk in right away. Along the way I could feel many eyes on me... Which mostly man. But as I am in the second zone of the capital, there is no such a rogue. I might meet a couple of them tho as I goes over to adventurer guild. The receptionist welcome me in a good manners as she looking me from top to toe, she definitely probing my wallet. I got around 20 gold coin in my space for the entire term. Which still considerable amount of money, I could feed many people with it. Hurrah for being a rich noble son.

"Welcome to White Posphorous Smithy. How may I help you?"

"I am looking for a thin long sword, a katana is much more preferable."

"A katana? Then you definitely come to the right smithy, our smithy got a partnership with Republic of Sakura blacksmith. We just got a new batch of weapon from them."

She guide me to one corner of the room, where they display the sword. I could see that this blacksmith definitely one of the best in the capital. Since they got so many kind of weapon collection. In one of the shelf there is a couple of katana being displayed. Now if only I got those legendary identification magic... Which I don't have it. I could tell an item condition and structure by identify it with mana, but it wasn't like those magic from novel or games.

"Milady, this is our collection of katana. It wasn't much, since Republic of Sakura got regulation for weapon control to the outside. You're lucky since we just got a new stock."

"Can I inspect it?"

"Of course milady."

The katana definitely a new one, I touch one of the katana as I checking it with mana. The first one is to check it efficiency when I flowing mana in it. This katana definitely one of the best, since it could efficiently absorbing my mana. Next I check it enhancement since I could tell there is magic imbue in it. Hmmm, I could feel a wind magic in it... It increasing the sharpness of the weapon, also there an earth magic that make it more tougher. The last step is checking it material, I could tell the handle made by wood that got a steel in it. While the blade is... This is great, it is an alloy with mixture of iron, manganese, and nickel. It got two layer of alloy and in the middle the maker used carbon to reinforce it further while keeping it flexibility. What a craftsmanship! The craftsman definitely know what he is doing. The other katana wasn't to bad too. The last one definitely on different level tho, since it definitely enhanced with more magic, and I couldn't identify it material. It wasn't as tough as the first one but it much more efficient in mana. There only around 10 percent of mana loss, when I imbue it with my mana. While the other is around 20 to 15 percent loss.

"Then my lady, which one do you like?"

"Hmm, how much is the first one, and this?"

"Ah, the first one is 15 gold coin, while that one is 150 gold coin."

I am raising my brow when I heard the amount. This one is ten times higher than the first one. I put it back to the display, then I took the first one as I shaking my head.

"I will take this one then."

"A good choice milady, this one is called as Silver Fang. It imbued with two enhancement, which is sharpness and toughness. Although it wasn't the best out there as it made by normal material, but the craftsmanship is good and the enhancement increasing it power even more."

What an honest introduction, she told me almost everything about it. Although she is wrong about it wasn't the best one, it definitely the second one. She seems doesn't understand how complex the technique to made it. Molding an alloy is really hard, what more making it into a weapon. I nods my head in agreement tho.

"Then would you like to wrap it?"

"I would like to use it. Since it wasn't a gift."

"Ah my apologies, of course someone with your kind of insight must be a swordsman herself."

"No need to apologize, no offense taken."

"Then please come this way milady."

I made my payment right away at the counter.

"The fifteen gold has been accepted. Thank you for your purchase, please come again."

I only nods my head then walk off the second zone to the adventurer guild. As I walk on the first zone, suddenly someone come and almost knock over me. I dodge the figure before our shoulder hit each other. It... Kaitlyn? She stop on her tracks as she losing her balance since she tried to move aside too.

"Ah, I am sorry. I was in hurry."

"Nothing happened, so it alright."

"Good th—"

When she look at my face she stunned on her word.... I could feel my heart beating fast, did she found out?


She mumbling that... But then she shaking her head hard as she realized something. I got a bad feeling about this.

"My apologies once again for my bad manner. You're just so beautiful, making me stunned."

"Thank you for your flattery. If you're in hurry you may leave now. I also got something to do."

"Ah right... But I change my mind. It wasn't that important anyway."

"... Then could I take my leave?"

She definitely hitting on me! I turn around right away, as I feel something bothersome would definitely happen.

"Wa-wait up. Maybe we could eat lunch together as I would paid for it as apologies."

"No, need. I wasn't hurt, and I got something to do."

"Then could I join?"

"... No?"

"Ah... But afterwards we co—"

"Lady, are you hitting on me?"

She stunned when I said that. I left her right away before more troublesome things happen. Today already bad enough, I don't need it to become even worse than it already is. I finally loss her as I make a detour to the adventurer guild. The guild building look like tavern from medieval age, it two stories high.

When I got in I definitely could feel the male adventurer gaze on my body. Okay, now I know how those girl feeling when we gazing at them. It really uncomfortable and disgusting, what more these adventurer really got a lustful eyes. It might be instinct since their line of works always between life and dead. In one of the book in the library, the adventurer legend figure got his own harems with hundreds of girl from many races. I wonder how could he keep it up. Maybe they make a rotation? Or it like those in Chinese history? Where his wife waiting him in the harem? Yep, that definitely not my life.

Ignoring their gaze, I walk to the empty counter. It wasn't crowded off people, I guess it because right now it in the middle of the day. The recieptionist look over to me. She is a girl with a blue bob haircut, with a mature beauty face. She nods at me slightly before she open her mouth.

"Welcome to adventurer guild. How may I help you miss?"

"I want to register as adventurer."

"Have you been in any kind of institution to study before?"

"Err... No?"

Well I am a student, but this pseudo wasn't. So I said no while being embarrassed, as I scratching my face in shy smile.

"I understand, there nothing to be embarrassed about. Then could you provide me with your identity orb?"

"Ahh... About that...."

I wear a shameful, and dark face, as if I am going to cry any time.

"E-eh.. did something happen?"

"I... I lost it with my purse yesterday... It my favorite purse..."

I am faking a teary eyes when I said that.

"I-I am sorry... Do-don't cry... It's okay, if you could got inside the town it mean you must never do anything bad. A-also we adventurer guild could provide you with a new identity orb. But you need to paid extra 5 silver for it."


"Ye-yes. You just need to fill this form. Could you write?"

"I can... My mom teach me before."

"What a wonderful mother."

"Yes, she was really good at me... Until she passed out last winter.."

"I am sorry!"

She bow down at once. Okay my acting is successful.

"It... It's okay..."

I look the form and fill it. It only name, age, birth place, and speciality. I fill the name as Nies, then age and birthplace as 15 years old, from a small village near the sea of Saywen territory, while speciality is sword and magic. The bob haired recieptionist look at me curiously.

"Oh you could used both sword and magic?"


"I understand, I would process your form before bringing a new identity orb for you. But before all you should go to the that room over there and told the instructor there that you are a new registered adventurer. His name is Agun would test your combat technique after you give him this paper."

"Thank you very much sister."

With that I walk to the room which she pointed with the paper in hand, it an indoor training field. It wasn't that big tho, only around 64 meter square. There a couple people training inside according to the instructions of a man with dandy look. That must be him, I walk over to him. When I am near him, he turn his head over to me.

"Mister Agun?"


"I am a new adventurer, the recieptionist told me to come over to you. She said you would test me after I give you this?"

I act innocently as I give him the paper, I could guess what is written inside it. He open the paper then read it, he took a glance at me.

"Hmmm... It written here that you lost your identity orb, and you got speciality in sword and magic. It seems you got send here to be tested about this, since there is no evidence about you being able to wield sword and magic because you lost your orb."

"Ah I understand. Then what is the test mister Agun?"

"Hmm, nothing much. But let's start with magic, could you hit that practice target with your best magic?"

"My best magic? I-is it alright?"

"Eh, it should be alright, this room got reinforced."

"Alright then."

I sending out a huge amount of mana while acting innocently, then with those mana I form the magic sequence according to physics and chemic law. I made the sequence of the magic fastly, and on top of me appeared 3 a 20 foot long blazing fire lance, with thickness around half meter. He got dumbfounded as I could see him sweating profoundly so do those training inside. Then before I send it off, he finally shouting.

"Stop! You have shown me enough!"

"But I haven't hit the target."

"No, no, no... It enough already..."

Well this room is only 64 meter square after all. And this spear already covering ¾ of it length. Of course the entire room would be destroyed if I launch it. He write down something, before looking back at me while sweating. I dispel my magic while acting disappointed. He then writing something once again. Heeee, seems like he kinda reliable, he must be observing my behavior too. Seems like the receptionist doesn't took my lie just like that. That paper notes definitely including to check me out.

"Then... What now?"

"Sword combat as your magic definitely pass. Now I want to check your swordsmanship by sparring."

"O-okay... I am not quite sure about my sword skill tho. As mom teaching me more about magic. I never win against her with sword."

"I see, your mother must be some figure to be able to teach you magic like that."

"Yes, mom is the best... Except..."

I am acting sad again... And make a fake tear whilst sulking.

"Ahh... Sorry for your lost. I don't meant to remind you."

"It.. it's okay..."

I choose you sweet, polite and innocent persona! He scratched his head, then he took the training sword from the rack.

"Then you should choose your weapon."

"A.. alright..."

I took a long sword from the rack. I hold it in one hand. He make a circle around a meter in diameter.

"Then you can attack me anytime you're ready. If you could make me step outside it your win."


"No magic! It a swordsmanship test!"

I frown my brow whilst pouting.

"Uhh... Then here I come..."

I dash to him, then launching a low slash. He parry it easily. He got quite a skill, he deflect my slash easily. I act surprised, then I took a distance, before making stance while smiling mischievously. I pretending my sword is sheathed as I make the stance. He look at me curiously until he could feel I channeling my mana to the sword. His face change to shock, and grim as the mana density increase.

"I told you this is swordsmanship test!"

"Eh... But this is one of sword skill not magic..."

I unsheathing my training sword like a real iaido then slashing two times as fast as I unsheathed it. Three high density mana slash shot out right away as it making a vertical and x figure with it length around 3 meter. He jump aside right away, but it still graze his legs. Making him rolling uncontrollably, to the side. All those people that training before, stopping at once and dropped their weapon in shock. They didn't dare to look at me. Then I look at the man while acting worry, as I run over to him.

"Are you alright mister Agun?!"

I cast healing magic with water elemental, when I reach him. All according to plan.

"I-I am okay... Girl you're quite something, to be able to use mana slash at your age. It was with high in density too. You definitely pass, even tho I don't know your melee. But I am sure those sweep from before is only a probing slash."

I smile meekly.

"You're too kind mister Agun."

His wound completely closed after few seconds, then I stop using my magic.

"Hmm, even your healing magic is good. Why you didn't include it?"

"Eh? But it also include in magic."

I act loss and innocent? I give those face which questioning what are you talking about. He could only look at me dumbfounded, before shaking his head. He took the note again and write something. The he rip it and fold it before giving it to me.

"Give this to Fina, she the receptionist that took care of you before."

"Did I pass the test?"

"You would know it after you give it to her."

"I understand. Then thank you for your guidance."

I bow down then walking outside. I found out that someone standing in front of the Fina counter. So I waited for my... Hmm that is Dapper? It was Dapper that talking to Fina.

"Here your payment for the quest."

"Thank you very much miss Fina. So is there any other urgent quest?"

"Hmm, there is no urgent quest for you Storm Child."

"Please stop using that nick name. I am too old for that."

"Hahaha... Indeed you are already too old to be called child. Maybe I should make petition to guild master to change your name to Storm Bearer."

"... I am not even doing those from before anymore. Also I would stayed here for a long time since I am a student now."

"Oh, congratulations. I guess it won't be stormy in other town for now on."

"Oh come on, I was in need of money before. That why I took every subjugation quest available."

As they having a conversation, miss Fina notice me.

"Oh, are you done?"

Dapper turn around and look at me when he heard Fina words.

"Ah, I am sorry. Did I stopping the line?"

He look around then he realized that it only me standing there waiting for him. While the other counter is empty.

"It alright, I could waiting for your business."

"No need. I didn't plan to take a quest if it wasn't urgent. I only chatting with her because I thought it empty, also I already got my payment too. Seems like you got a business miss Fina. Sorry to make you waiting."

Dapper step aside politely, as he show me the purse from completing a quest.

"It fine. I only come to complete my registration. Sister Fina here a note from mister Agun."

I give the note to her right away, then she using a little mana to open it. If it normal person they won't realized that gesture of her. She definitely dispelling something, but it only seems like she unfold it. As expected they testing me until the end. She look surprised and shocked when she read the note, before glancing to Dapper and me.

"Storm Child, seems like you found a rival!"

"Eh, pardon me?"

He is confused when he heard her.

"Miss Nies over here got the highest potential here, and second only to you in melee also she topped your magic score!"

... Oi that is privacy breaching! But I keep my act innocent, as I look at them confusedly. Looking at me she smile.

"It nothing miss, your results is amazing. You even beat him in magic. This person here was the most talented rookie in this generation. He bought a storm to every town he visited, by cleaning their surrounding from monster as a 13 years old boy."

"Cough... Miss Fina, could you stop leaking my personal information."

"Oh come on, who doesn't know you by now. You're already a talk of every adventurer guild. She would know about your past quest sooner or later. After all many people already predicting your advancement to Rank A. You might even beat the Marquis Dageraad and his wife record for being a Rank A in their twenty. After all you are only 15 and already on the peak of rank B."

I am dumbfounded when I heard that. He is already a rank B adventurer! What a hack! He definitely the hero of this world, then the second surprised come from the fact that my parents is some sort of record bearer. Is father always holding back himself? I mean if it according to this receptionist his power should be higher... He been an A Ranker for 16 years, there is no way his power is only around 30... Then that Sir Richard definitely giving me too much credit. . .

"See even miss Nies dumbfounded at your achievement. Although she also got potential to surpass you."

"... You're too kind miss Fina. Still it wasn't a reason to leak information about me."

Indeed, that definitely breaching a personal information! If it Earth we could sue you. I never know I would reach agreement with this hero! I keep my silence tho.

"Whoops, please don't tell guild leader. Also miss Nies, this is your new orb. You already know how to use it I guess, then here is your guild cards. Please drop your blood on it."

"... Blood?"

"Yes blood. It would record your blood essence, and also mana trace. So no one could misused it, or when you lost your card we could check your records right away when issuing new cards."

Okay... I am damned, it mean I won't be able to register as adventurer while being Zein! I look at the cards, there is my information from name, age, birthplace and speciality... It increases tho, it including healing magic. But the most bothersome is gender...

"Bu-but it hurt... Couldn't we do it another way?

"Relax it only like you got a prick by flower thorn."

She catch my hand and prick my finger with a needle right away. Whoa! Seems like I convinced her too much with my act. As she thought I am really afraid of it. I couldn't even responding. As I am too late to stopping it, I could only see a drop of my blood drip on it. I could only frown and keep my acting as I pout and stare at her grudge while sucking my finger that got pricked. The card shine for awhile before dimmed.

"Then with this it completed, you can used either your orb or this card to get inside the city. If you make a crime your cards would record it just like the orbs. Also stop staring at me with your cute pouting face! It made want to hug you."

"Ugh... Bad sister, you caught me off guard."

When we exchange a words, I could see that Dapper frowning at the edge of my eyes. He then shook his head.

"Then everything is 7 silver coin. You could either paid it in front, or you could paid it by cutting your rewards."

"Umm.. I would like to paid it right away."

I gave her a gold coins, she surprised a little bit before hiding it from people eyes. Then she giving my chance of 9 small gold and 3 silver coin in a purse.

"With this you're officially an adventurer."

Then she pull me in.

"I know you didn't mean to show off, but you should consider your surroundings. Tooking out a gold coin like that would bring trouble for you."

She whispered to me as she considering about my well being. I act surprised before nodding my head.

"Thank you sister, I will remember your advice."

She then part away from me and keep her business face once again.

"Then would you like to take a quest?"

"Hmmm.. not today sister Fina. I got something to do."

"Ah, please becareful then. Also remember as a Rank E, you must take a quest at least once in a month. You could also bought your monster corpse to the guild, we would purchase it from you."

"Nnn.. I got it sister. Thank you once again."

I wave at her as I walk outside the guild, the adventurer there watching me close, but no one made a move. As they glancing at Dapper. After quite a walk away, Dapper suddenly appeared beside me. I look surprised when I see him, he definitely thinking about something when he see my blood. I keep walking like nothing happen.

"Who are you?"

"Ah, mister Dapper how are you suddenly here?"

He frowning once again, as he keep up with me.

"Are you acting innocent or you're taking me for fool? I definitely feel your glance when I frown back there."

"Oh... I only thought you seems weird, because you frown when you see my blood."

"Is that all of it? You doesn't seems real to me tho. Also I could feel mana under your face muscle. That definitely a superb control on body muscle with mana. Normal people might not realize it, but coincidentally I also good at that."

The heck, then he also got that Self Body Strengthening aptitude. I keep my innocent cascade.

"Isn't it rude mister Dapper to talk like that about girl face."

He scoffed my words.

"It if you're really girl. I mean how could I know you are girl or boy, with your voice changing like that."

Damn, he definitely know it all.

"Oh my goodness, girl won't like a boy that acting like that. Would you also commenting on girl make up if they use one and said how did I know you are a girl when you hiding yourself with a thick powder like that?"

"I.. I..."

"See, that rude of you. I mean my face might be not as good as now without those you said. I also might only change my voice slightly since my real voice is bad."

He look paler as I said that.

"M-my apologize... But your blood."

"What with my blood?"

"It got the same scent as someone I know."

Seriously?! Scent? Are you a dog or something?! I make a disgusted face as I look at him stopping on my track.

"Mister Dapper, I never thought you are such a rude person. You even smells my blood?! Are you a pervert?!"

I also raise my voice making people sees my way as I am act trembling. People starting to murmur around us.

"Th-that wasn't what I meant. I..."

"Our conversation end here mister Dapper! You accuse me for my face and voice, then you... You smells my blood?! Please don't appear in front of me again."

I run through the crowd while faking a cry, as they opening way for me before looking at him disgusted.

"This.. I..."

He completely speechless and dumbfounded as the crowd stopping him on his track. They definitely thought he is a pervert. I walk away as fast as possible.

Next chapter