
The Leviathan

Ever heard of the term block out the sun?

The Leviathan casted it's massive shadow, kilometers long, as it hovered in the sky. Drop pods started to fill the sky. The swarming infested now linked to the superior mind of the Leviathan grew smarter. The pods were evenly spaced, and all the infested started to come out in an orderly manner then broke ranks and ran as soon as they were out of the psionic range of the Leviathan. The dust clouds created by the swarm of infested covered much of the horde as they ran towards the FOB. "OPEN FIRE,". The light show met the tide of flesh. The ineffective bullets and lasers did little to stop the hundreds of infested converging on to the FOB. Zombie like figures ran while they followed the oversized cockroaches leading the vanguard. Behind ranged Gastric class infested ejected acidic ooze that melted flesh and metal indiscriminately.

Then a cloud formed on this clear day. As its hazy form became more and more solid light cracklings could be heard.


Lightning poured out stunning the Leviathan and charring the vanguard of the infested to smithereens.

Bryan stood on the wall proudly standing on the very edge and jumped off to meet the horde. He pulled out his hammer as he smashed the ground, creating a shockwave of electricity. Bryan then rushed forward smashing the infested into clouds of red blood. Acid, scratches and bites were absorbed by his energy shield. Not a single drop of alien blood made it to his armor.

"Show off," David thought in his mind while laughing inside at how his still friend tried to emulate Thor.

As Bryan smashed a roach followed by a stomp on a zombies head, the Leviathan approached. Green acidic spheres were shot out along the entire bottom of the Leviathan effectively carpet bombing Bryan. Infested planes and fighters were sortied and kamikazed towards Bryan's position.

As Bryan started to conjure an energy shield, a metal wall was erected. Tons of DuraSteel rose out of the ground creating a sealed dome to protect Bryan.

"Damn poser," thought Bryan. The two worked together and yet still found the spare Elms of magic power to mess with the other.


Right after the initial barrage Bryan smashed with his mighty electrified hammer on the wall of the dome. A crater was going right through the barrier. The hammer did not falter as it continued its arc to hit the infested. David started to release all of his drones to combat the air units. However an oversized drone blasted away from the pack as it shot off into space. Any would be pursuers were intercepted by the other drones, or were too far away.

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