

The next few days, Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina were inseparable. Yang Xinyu looked like a little puppy seeking instructions from his owner. Except for the time when she had to go to the nurse station or be in the office meetings or had to be with Dr. Zhou, he didn't allow her to step out of the room. She stayed beside him.

His insecurity was a thing of past now. His trademark brown, warm eyes seemed to say that as long as you are by my side, the rest of the world can go to hell. And that's what she needed to hear, that he was hers for now and for the future.

The days passed quickly…

Yang Xinyu was supposed to be discharged on Saturday and it was already Friday. Wu Lina knew that Yang Xinyu wouldn't be able to meet her as often as she wanted him to. She became nervous and didn't leave him for the entire day. She helped him pack up. Her eyes were teary but she never showed it to him.

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