

'Where am I?' Zhu Long opened his eyes, before him was a wooden ceiling. Confused, He got up to analyze his surroundings.

Zhu Long was on an unknown bed, probably sleeping for some time. He guessed that he was in a small house or a shed seeing that the room he was in was small. He saw some Flowers in a vase on the table next to the bed, it looked like the flowers had just been put there. The room he was in was small but it was filled with many things, there was a small closet, a desk and a chair. He saw some beautiful paintings hung up on the wall. The room had a sweet fragrance, Zhu Long felt extremely comfortable when he smelled the fragrance.

'Hmm, I feel that I am not in the Zhu Estate but somewhere else, but how did I get here? This... This must have been done by Evil Old Yang.' Zhu long surveyed his surrounding, looking for some explanation for how he got here but in the end he came to the reasoning that this was the work of Evil Old Yang. Of course, It was obvious that the only person he knew who had the power to make him appear in some random location would be Evil Old Yang, whose powers were unknown and mysterious.


Hearing the door creak, Zhu long got up from his bed and took a stance, ready for an attack. As the door slowly opened, Zhu Long's fists tightened. 'Grandfather always said that no matter where you are, always be ready for an attack!' Zhu Long thought as he waited for the unknown person to open the door but thinking of his grandfather, his heart sank, something felt amiss.

"Oh! You are awake!" A robust man had opened the door and was surprised when he saw the boy who he picked up from the woods while hunting had woken up and was in a martial stance and continued "Kid, do you really want to attack the man who save you?"

"Save me? Old man, where am I and what did you mean by saving me?" Zhu Long said in an interrogative tone. Though he was certain this was not the Spiritual world, Evil Old Yang was too mysterious and this could have been a part of his training.

"Hah! A fiery one you are! You are rude, but i don't mind it at all. Instead, I like that! BUT, Let me teach you something, always introduce yourself and ask the other's name before anything else, it is common courtesy, I had expectations that you would know that, looking at the quality of clothes you wear. Okay, Let me introduce myself, I am Qiang Tian Kuang, the Chief of the Qiang family village, who might you be?" Qiang Tian Kuang was happy that the kid he saved in the forest was safe from any danger.

Zhu Long smiled wryly"Greetings Senior Qiang! My name is.... Lin Feng, I am a lone cultivator and I humbly thank Senior for saving me!" Zhu Long smiled wryly and answered Qiang Tian Kuang. He did hide his real identity just in case there might be some problems.

Qiang Tian Kuang smiled when he heard Zhu Longs answer" Haha! Good lad! You don't have to call me senior, just call me Brother Qiang!"

"Brother Qiang" Zhu long smiled.

"Good lad! Now, since you are a lone cultivator, would you like to help our village in some handy work? We are a bit short of hand right now and need as much help as we can get. The demons have increased in numbers exponentially and more people have died in order to protect the village." Qiang Tian Kuang said in a serious tone. Although his expression was serious, Zhu Long saw a tiny bit of grief in his eyes.

"The demon are increasing? Where is this place exactly? Also won't the larger sects send cultivators to help?" Zhu Long was confused when he heard about the increase in number of demons. As he always lived in Dragon Empire, he had no knowledge of other areas where demons attack.

"Hmm, it seems that you have traveled from far, no matter, this is the Qiang VIllage, the largest cultivator village in the Silverlake area of The Southern Continent! Our strength is equivalent to a Superior Seventh Rank Sect! As I had said before, I am a Village elder only among the 3 First stage Nascent cultivators for the village but those guys are oldies, I am only 25 and reached the Nascent Stage! and due to my power did I only become an elder otherwise those oldies would never accept me."Qiang Tian Kuang seemed angry when talking about the other village elders. He continues"The leader is at 3rd Nascent Stage! But even his prowess is starting to get useless. Our leader was recently injured by the Demon Captain of the nearby area, his attacks may even be weaker than ours" Qiang Tian Kuang said with grief in his eyes. He seemed to truly admire the Village leader.

'That is a lot of information to handle at once but still, It seems like I have somehow been teleported to the Southern Continent. It will take years for me to reach home from here. I had a bad feeling when I dreamt about Grandfather, I feel that I must hurry home!' Zhu Long made up his mind as he heard about his current location.

"Okay, I accept your offer but I also have some more questions, I hope brother Qiang will entertain them" Zhu Long smiled wryly as he talked to Qiang Tian Kuang.


Okay, so i have a lot of things to say but I'll try to keep them short and simple.

Firstly, I deeply apologize for the 3 months of zero updates, I can only ask for forgiveness from you guys for me missing out of no where.

I do want to say that in my opinion, It was better that i took that break. During that time, I refined the story A LOT in my head and have also made a full proof plan on where the story will go into the future. I i hadn't taken the break, the story would have been dropped in the middle due to me not being able to know what happens next myself.

I have also made some changes in the novel info ie. synopsis and cover.

Planning was really difficult and i gave up a lot of times in the middle due to frustrations but after a few days, i did come back and force myself to do them so I can assure you guys that the story will not be random and out of my head and i will do a better job at writing it.

I also want to thank everyone that is reading this novel, it means a lot to me and I am really happy to see that we are nearly at 50k! I hope everyone has been enjoying this and also shares this with their friends.

I will try to publish daily but it may only happen some days as most of the time i an really busy with School and only get a small amount of free time. Even so,I will promise 1 chapter every 2 days and that will be broken only when something huge happens in my life/school, which i will notify you guys in the author's thoughts or comments.

This was really long so i couldn't write in in the Author's Thought section.

I want to thank everyone who has reached this far and i hope they keep reading this novel till its end.


Ripcorez out!


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