
Vondell and I

I opened my eyes and opened the access to the soul sense, which immediately entered inside.

"Arys are free for a few days?" asked Carter. "Yes," I replied.

It had been a month and a half since I started extremely studying, and I was planning to slow it down. So, it could be said that I am free.

"Meet me in my office in an hour," he said before cutting the connection.

It made me curious, but I didn't think about it much and focused on finishing a few things.

Soon, the hour was nearly over, and I flew out of my house.


A minute later, I landed in front of the regal building and walked inside.

Many looked at me, but nobody stopped. They couldn't see me. To them, I am fuzzy, but they could feel the aura of Prime radiating off me.

My presence is known to only a few people, but people know there is another Prime.

Soon, I reached the office with the thick wooden doors.



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