
Purple II

It's one powerful attack, and it begins to make my heartbeat go wild as I swing my ax toward it in response.


Our weapons clashed, creating a deafening sound and powerful shockwave that would push even the average peak Sky Sovereign back.

Sup Sup Sup!

Though it's not a major attack. The major attack is the ribbons coming toward me.

They are really dangerous, far more powerful than her sword attack, but like the last time, I didn't stop them. I didn't even move my ax to defend against them.

The only thing I did was to keep looking into the eyes of the person in front of me.

Bam Bam Bam!

The ribbons crashed into my armor, and they did it with such a force that it would have shredded an average peak Sky Sovereign, but they too were stopped by armor.

Her expression didn't change, but it was clear by her eyes that she was not pleased by her outcome.

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