
Rhaek I  

'Died, Blood Videttes died.' It repeated the words in its mind while still not being able to believe them.


It had not thought that anyone besides it could kill it, even it would need to kill, put great effort into killing them, but Zaar, who it thought could kill without much effort given a chance, had killed them.


Everything had been lost, now with three dying; the confidence of the other Videttes has collapsed, and they are trying to run away.


It, too, was in quite a trouble, besieged by nine humans, all peak Grand Lord, trying to kill it.




He started laughing suddenly as he released all his power, every bit of it; he held nothing back.


The humans stopped attacking as they looked at its crazed laugh and rumbling aura.


"You filthy human, I was being merciful to you, bringing death to you by my hand, but now you have lost the opportunity,"


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