'What is happening?' screamed the ghostly skull, and a moment later, it saw the answer to its question and me too.
Though, I was not shocked as it was; there were only things that could save me, and both of them are in the core.
'The strange core; I was going to deal with after I finished taking control over the body, but it seemed like I have to deal with it first, before taking control over the body,' It said in a very angry voice and turned toward my core.
'Come!' It shouted and opened its skull mouth even wider, and I felt all the pull concentrating toward my core, and it was stronger than what it had used against me.
I watch with bated breath as the pull gets stronger and stronger, but there is not much of a shake from my core. Forget the core; the moon orbiting it did not have any change despite the strong pull coming from the skull.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: