

"Grandmaster, I am ready." Said Leonard; I am not surprised to hear that; he has been ready for months, but I was not. 

I have wanted him to be completely sure of his choice as what we are going to do is extremly dangerous. He could die or, worse, be a cripple, or something else entirely happen; it is completely uncharted territory for me.

"Are you really sure? A failure will ruin you forever," I asked. I have already explained the dangers of it clearly, as the chances of failure are greater than I like them to be.

"I am sure," He said firmly.

"Since you are, let's begin," I said and waved my hand; a small formation appeared on the floor with the resources neatly plated on it. If anyone sees these resources, their eyes will go wide, and even Leonard is a little surprised to see them.


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