

The sprouted plant is in vibrant green color, and for some reason, I think it is the most beautiful green color I have ever seen and could worthily represent the whole green element.

It is a tiny little thing with only three small leaves on top of it. It looked work of art despite looking like a normal plant sprout; there, it seemed to be mysteries hidden inside it that I could not read.

I looked around, probed it with my soul, and touched and found it without any magic, not even a speck of it, just like the time when it was a seed.

If not for me sensing every part, it taking energies of my core, I would have definitely considered it something from the magic drained world which did not have even a speck of magic.

After a few minutes of probing, I did not find anything about it. There is no sign of what it may give and produce in the future; till then, I would have to grow it, which is quite a hard thing to swallow, seeing it needs the same things as I do.

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