
Blood and Thunder! (02)

Glock 17 fifth gen, is an excellent weapon for newbies! With more than 10 ammunition on the chamber can do a nice damage to these tyrants!

My goal is to reduce the number of these guys to the maximum! Honestly I will not be cynical, maybe some of these guys are not bad, but they are trying to hurt my people, I do not have time to do investigations! Unfortunately they are in the way of the bullet!

boom, boom ... my last two shots.

on the floor there are 11 dead bodies and some almost dying. Running in the opposite direction has 4 wounded men.

I put my gun back into inventory. I take my Rambo knife, I sigh. 'I lost my hammer again, when I jumped on the Parrot's boat'.

"Those who oppress you are now bleeding on the ground! The path to a new life is still open!..." I was planning to say something else, but people started running towards the fugitives! I stop talking and start running too, to prevent any villagers from getting hurt!

The battle was fast! Two guards and one of the men wearing the pearl necklace surrendered and survived! All other dead! I took this chance to gather information about the village and also some biological information and the relation of the cultivators!

I'm not sure if everything they said was true, but the villagers did not find anything strange in the conversation. The village really has 20 guards, they protect the village and help the fishermen from time to time! But the Hayiu family also have a few cultivators, but they do not like to get out of the mansion and are always busy following the path of immortality (I find this part of the cultivation world relatively stupid and probably also one of the causes of these type-worlds to be stagnant)

The guards, are mostly bastard children of the main family, they have incomplete cultivation methods that are impossible for them to advance the first Rank mid-level. Within the family are 8 cultivators, some being teenagers who are low rank, uncles who are mid or peak level of the first rank and then you have the young master and the Family Head. Which are respectively second rank, low and peak level.

Inside the house there are 3 guards, 3 employees. 3 children, 2 teens 6 women, 1 uncle and Lord Haiyu of course. the man began to cry for mercy for the children and the rest of the family! After a little pressure he continued to speak. but there was not much more information ... except for the Lord, no one has swords or metal knives, they all use wooden weapons. Obviously this place is very poor.

without any further information, I melted the men to the floor of a house up to their necks for the time being and went to the door of the house that the villager lent.

"We need to attack the house before they realize any problem! They do not have sophisticated weapons and are few in number, we'll take advantage of that! I need you to bring me some things! Each person bring me one or two branches of trees at least from the height of the floor to your waist plus a stone of the size of a child's head! You need to be quick everyone who goes to fight needs to be here before the sun sets! This is the first step in the New Path!"

Yeah, I can take out my pistol and sift those guys with shots. But I need to break the old mentality of these people, some better way of doing it than killing the old lord? I do not think so!

When all the villagers are solving the tasks, I am working with the data collected and creating a spreadsheet with what I believe to be the gross power levels of this world!


old-Copper realm, the only realm that divides into rank and level.

1st Rank (~20 points on each of the first 3 stats)


That means 3 guys with less than 20 strength points managed to keep a good fight! I was more disappointed with myself! I expected more from me! Ok, this is a world of cultivators and such, but even so, I have over 50 strength points on average! I should break them instantly! That's one of the reasons I pulled my pistol when I saw several guards! I need more training on how to use my attributes well! But I'm not at all worried about the next battle, dozens of us against some of them, easy victory! After today's battle I'm going to prepare myself better. Hehehe.

Not long after, the Altiorem villagers began to arrive with the requisite items. in front of everyone I started using the powers of 'Forge' I turned the branches into straight and smooth cylinders about two inches thick and five feet high. With a little effort I could make them dense by removing the water and melting two sticks together. So I started to use the stones in a formed trunk of piramide (I do not know how to translate geometry) and I connected the wooden masts to the smaller base, the piece forms a kind of heavy Morning-star or a hammer with edges. Anyway I repeat the process several times.

Man, we're ready!




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