
1 School

"LILITH" Shouts my mom

"What" I shout back heading now stairs

"Time for school" say mom as I reach the last step

"Try not to kill anyone" says mom as she grabs her keys

"No promises there is this one kid that's getting on my nerves" says Lilith looking in the mirror by the door

"Got your swords" asks mom

"What kind of idiot forgets there swords half way through their first week" Say Lilith putting her hand on the hilt of her sword realizing its on her bed

"I asked for a reason" Says Mom as I run back up the stairs

"Thanks" I say strapping my sword to my belt

We arrive at school a little later.

"Late as usual, Lilith" said Tyler Raijin

"Sheesh, Tyler I'm not late everyone else is early" I say "Besides I'm here unless I'm invisible"

"Why, don't you go back to regular school" Says Tyler while his friends start to snicker

"We both know I can't and neither can you" I say as a crowd starts to gather

"There they go again" Say one girl stepping up

"Let's watch the show" Says a guy stepping up

"Really?? Again this is the 7 time and it's only Thursday!!"Says another girl walking by

"It was your fau-" I say as Tyler punches me in the face

"Shit I haven't even gotten to the good part yet Tyler would you like to narrate" I say as I get off the ground

"SHUT UP why do you always provoke me" Says Tyler as I swipe my foot under him causing him to land on his ass

"Me provoke you now I've heard it all" I say as he grabs me around the waist shoving me to the ground

"Tyler Raijin, and Lilith Fūjin IN MY OFFICE NOW" Says the vice principal, Yama Sukuna-Biko-Na

"Fine" I say as the bell rings

"Fine" Says Tyler stomping all the way to the office

"I have been told you guys have history but for the love of god you guys have been here a week and the campus is already in chaos I know how you got here and I begged the school board to put you guys in separate school but they ignored my request if you guys keep fight you will be sent to the front lines with no training is that what you want?" Says Mr. Yama

"....." Neither of us says anything

"Now, please get out of my sight" Says Mr. Yama

"It was your fault" I say through clenched teeth as we leave the office

"My fault, you provoked me" Says Tyler defensively

"GO TO CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yells Mr. Yama through the door to his office

We walk to class in silences, as we walk through the hall everyone whispers.

"They got in trouble again" Says someone as we walk

"Not surprised" I hear someone else say

"Are they a couple" Some freshman asks

At the last one we both turned around and punched the guy in the face and then walked into class.

Next chapter