
The Weapons Deal 3: Selling War

I took a deep breath as I let my words sink in, I had a lot of information to give, and I had to make sure that every shred of attention was on me. I also hoped all of the leaders here don't ask me any questions, because I might not be able answer them. Considering I was pitching ideas that has just been given to me by my own employees just a few hours ago, I was walking on egg shells.

"The world is changing, humanity has began to colonize the Cosmos, but as we all know no great expansion is without risks and problems. And as it stands everything that has been invested into humanity's colonization of the galaxy is in jeopardy of being brought to a painful end. And this is due to the fact that our own people! Our flesh and blood who have learnt of the wonders of the world beyond, the treasures that it hides, have decided that they want to rule themselves and break off from their own home.

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