

Sam waited nervously for the return of her ally and spooked the time with a tight physical training program. After two hours, her $ 50 investment opened the door of the common room and waved to her. Sam hurried to step through the door, which he immediately closed behind her. He looked around nervously. "Shift change, we do not have much time." Frantically, his gaze flew back and forth. Finally he started moving. Sam followed him.

He stopped in front of a door in black capital letters on the library. He whispered to her, "He's waiting for you in there." His eyes fell nervously on his watch. "You have at most 10 minutes, then I'll get you out."

Sam gave him her most seductive smile and ran her fingertips over his cheek. "That should be enough, thank you."

Quietly, she scurried to the library. Library, the name for a larger closet with bent shelves was the exaggeration of the century. Old, tattered books stood isolated on rough planks and looked like the toothless mouth of an elderly woman.

On the only chair sat the man so important to Sam. The Brutalo, who had broken her tooth and been the initiator of the disgusting ritual. He sat wide-legged, his left foot resting on his right knee and looking at Sam with amusement. "Does the yearning drive you?"

Sam looked at him calmly. "I have an offer to make." She walked slowly towards him, lasciviously twisting her hips. Greedy, his gaze was fixed on Sam's body. He licked his lips. Sam stepped behind him. "I think we both can do a lot for each other." she spoke softly to him.

He laughed hard. "What can you give me, which I could not easily get."

Sam slowly began to massage his neck. "Oh, I would imagine that you appreciate a good idea and a good fuck."

He laughed at Sam. Again, what do you want to give me, which I could not just take? "

Sam continued to massage his neck. "Warmth, open arms and lips, good sex and—a good show - let me put it another way - hm, when was the last time you had sex with a woman when you wanted it and not because Lapuente pulled on you like Do not you feel the need for a little freedom, at least in the way you have sex, could not you, as the mighty, influential man you are undoubtedly, spit in the face of this pig without his noticing it? or influence it? "

He waved a hand beside his head. "Stop it, stop it, you have my attention, what's your offer?"

Sam leaned forward and whispered in his ear in a harsh voice. "You are the boss, you choose four more men for me, you do not fall like the animals over me, you come clean and cared for me, you watch me, I offer you five minutes of show to get you up to speed After that, I'll dedicate five minutes to you first, you should tell me what you're up to, because after 30 minutes, the fun is over for everyone and it's in your best interest that all five men have a blissful smile on their face when the time comes The other men will see how much fun you and your friends have, and pay you to choose them the next time, you'll be given even more respect, you'll be more powerful. " Sam had chosen her words wisely and stepped in front of him.

He stared at her with narrowed eyes. "Where is your advantage in the matter?"

Sam took his hand and led her under the shirt-like top of her prison clothes. "Protection through you and the guarantee of a pain-free life behind bars."

He got up and pushed himself against Sam's body. His fingers slid over Sam's bosom and he rubbed his palms over her nipples. Sam pushed the rising feeling of disgust far back and looked at him invitingly. His face was near hers. "We have a sugar doll deal."

Sam bit his lip playfully and shoved her tongue into his mouth. With her lips, she sucked gently on his tongue. She felt him harden. She pulled away from him and whispered "Showtime."

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