
A Date to Remember

When Monique returned to her room after her rendezvous with Henry she was shocked to see Rupert waiting for her inside. He had a glass of whisky in one hand which he was twirling in the faint evening light that came from the windows. He did not seem drunk.

"I do not drink whisky." Rupert said to confirm her doubts. " A friend gave me a bottle of scotch and wanted me to try it and tell me how it is. I only took a sip. It actually turned out to be very good. Now I am contemplating what to do with the rest. Do you want to try a sip?" he asked her.

Shimonthini was a bit surprised. It has been a while since her husband did not hold a proper conversation with her. 'I... I don't drink whisky either.' she replied stammering. Her nervousness amused her husband.

"Come here" he said, patting the area next to him on the couch. " Tell me what have you been doing while I was busy? Did you do some sightseeing?" he asked.

" I have been to London before." she answered timidly. " I went to see a friend this morning."

"Is he handsome?" Rupert asked suddenly.

Shimonthini smiled. It couldn't be that her husband was jealous. "Yes he is very handsome and..." Shimonthini noticed his eyes darken in a unspoken emotion, "... very very gay" she concluded. That brought a smile to his lips.

Rupert chuckled. He wasn't jealous. How could he be since his security had already informed him that the man his wife was meeting in the foyer was none other than his own brother, and the good one in fact? "I trust you," he said. "I just want a chance with you." Shimonthini could hear the note of sincerity in his words and it touched her heart. At that point in time, she decided to come clean about everything that was happening in the world of Monique. She couldn't hide anything from this man.

"I owe a very powerful man a large sum of money. I need to do something to pay it off. It will take a week and it is not illegal but I have to do it." she told him.

Rupert who had received a full report from his security officer knew exactly what she was talking about but feigned ignorance. "Can't I pay him off?" he asked.

Shimonthini shook her head. " Even if you had that kind of money I couldn't let you pay. You see, it wasn't me who took the money but this man got cheated of the money by someone because I allowed it. I have to do right by him without wronging you." she explained.

"I will be busy for the next one week. The owner of my company doesn't like mixing work with personal life. I can't really give the excuse that I have a fiance waiting for me at home. So probably I won't miss you as much as you think. But try to be back for dinner. I want to have dinner with you every night. There is something about sharing the last meal of the day with your family, that I have not done for a very long time." Rupert said. If his smile gave away any of the mischiefs in his head Shimonthini was too overwhelmed by his acceptance to notice.

Rupert got up from the seat and from the corner took out a box and gave it to her. "I bought something for you. I hope you like it. I will be waiting in the hotel foyer. Meet me in fifteen minutes and we will head out to have dinner. Ok?" he asked.

Shimonthini nodded. A single tear glistened in her eye. Her husband just asked her for dinner and her sister was nowhere nearby. The dress was a cream coloured sari gown. It was less ornate than the one she wore for her reception. Nonetheless, it looked very expensive. As promised Rupert was waiting for her in the foyer. He too had changed into a fresh caramel suit that was a few shades lighter than his copper hair.

They went to a nearby restaurant that served Italian. Shimonthini was surprised to hear her husband speak in impeccable Italian. "One of my business associates is Italian. His niece and my daughter went to school together and we spent quite a few weekends at his family home." He explained.

my daughter...suddenly Shimonthini remembered that she knew very little about her husband or fiance or whatever.

"Can you tell me more about your daughter?" she asked with hesitance.

"She eloped with my foster brother and I haven't heard from her in years. I think that is all you need to know right now". he answered. Shimonthini understood that it was a difficult topic for him. She started talking about the change in the weather from India, the typical British thing to do, discuss the weather.

The evening ended with Rupert asking Shimonthini for a dance. They waltzed their way through the floor and into each other's eyes. After that Rupert brought her back to the hotel room.

"I really enjoyed the night" Shimonthini whispered to him at the door.

"Me too." Rupert murmured in her ears as he bent down to smell her hair. It was such an intimate thing to do. Shimonthini looked up in wonder at Rupert who had his eyes closed as he took in her scent.

"I better go." He said with half opened eyes.

Shimonthini's eyes reflected the disappointment in his. She took a ragged breath before half turning inside. Then turned back to find a Rupert who was still standing with expectation clear in his eyes. Shimonthini squared her shoulders and mouthed STAY.

That was all it took to have Rupert's lips crashing down on hers. He pushed her inside the room and with his feet kicked the door. shut. He may not claim her as his wife yet but Rupert had no qualms about claiming Shimonthini as his.

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