
I have proof

Hearing his words Sophia was in shock. She stay in one place by few minutes and after someone ask her if she is ok she only nod her head and start going to her father office.

When she was on last flor Sophia greed her father secretary who work there for many years. Sophia enter father office without knocking. when she saw they drinking Sophia was angry and she say

"Dad can I know what you are doing at work hours"

"Drinking with my future son-in-law" Roland answer with little problems because they drink almost full bottle of whiskey

"Have I accept him. NO!! Why you agree at my back? You know I will marred person who I will love and it will be never him" she pointed at Anthon

"I know but I want to thanks him for saving me. He give me a prove that it was him and after talk I want you to marry him"

Sophia was in shock she wanted to call to Angela but after short think she said "Anthon could you left us alone I want to talk with my father"

"Ok" Anthon answer 'Thanks good that she don't have proven that it wasn't me knowing Roland rage he will destroy our company in a day' he thought and walk away to call his father with good news.

When he go out Sophia said to Roland

"Dad if I tell you will you believe me or not? He haven't save you"

"Probably not knowing that everybody who was present there said he save me"

"If I have proof"

"Then I could believe you but recording was delated so...."

"I have copy of it" Sophia cut her father words

"Ok show me it"

After few min pass Roland was angry as hell knowing that they lie to him and remembering words of his worker. Then he call to his assistant telling him to cut all ties with Wu company after short talk then he ash Sophia

"Did you know who he is? is this same person who was in our home few days ago"

"Yes I know him and it's the same person"

"I would like to talk with him and thanks him for saving me maybe I will give him higher position in my company"

"It will be difficult" Sophia answer him

"Why?" Roland was surprised

"After talk with him I know that he want to work hard for his position and don't want to be higher up by you. But it will be difficult to higher him up as you wish he was fired today because of his actions"

"WHAT" Roland scream "We need him back you know what to do I will left it to you my baby"

"Ok I will talk with them and annulated his fired"


After talk Sophia went to annulated it. They was surprise by her actions but she was daughter of owner so they must do what she wanted knowing that her words are mostly words of her father.

Next chapter