
Problem (2)

(Come on don't you dare throw it back up! Do it for bunny-sama.)

For Keres, the hardest part was getting past the skin. As it was basically inedible in that charred state but he pushed through. Eating as much as he could take. Keres sent the rest of the unfinished bunny to his storage and continued towards the tower as the sun began to set.

(Even though I've been walking all day I don't feel that tired. It's got to be my body but I didn't get body enhancement skills from the book. Is it natural? I'll find someone later to check out my body. Also in hopes to find out my age as well.)




Behind Keres, three figures appeared and sprinted towards Keres reaching one yard away from him.


Keres Teleported up in the air to avoid his attackers and see what was attacking him. Three goblins with clubs were looking around as they couldn't figure out where he went.

Keres grinned and yelled.

"Up here!"

All three monsters were startled as they looked up. Only to see Keres falling towards them with his hammer in hand. The three goblins readied pointed their weapons waiting for Kere to fall right on them. Sadly for them, fate was not on their side as Keres again disappeared from their view.

He appeared behind the goblins swinging his hammer at the back of the head of the left one.




All three goblins heads caved in the rear from the force of the hammer. Not knowing how Keres could move around so fast they greeted the darkness in confusion and fear. The goblins after falling to the ground disintegrated leaving three orbs behind.

(I've got to pay attention more. If they were any faster I would've most likely been seriously injured. Or worse if they had any range weapons.)

Keres shuddered at the thought while he picked up the orbs and sent them to his storage.

(Huge tower, monster orbs, what world is this? Focus! I can always figure that out later. Monsters are now coming out. I need to reach safety)

Keres looks around for any potential shelter he can use but all he sees is trees and more trees.

(Time to climb again.)

Putting away his hammer and scampering up a tree. Keres reaches the top and sees the tower and city once again.

(I don't see any shelter I can use nearby cause of all these goddamn trees! Alright, time for plan B.)

Keres focuses his gaze on the city walls and breathes deeply.


Just above the city walls, Keres appears in the air falling toward the wall's walkway. With a soft thud he lands.

"WHAT THE HELL!" a guard yelled when he saw Keres appear from nowhere. Drawing his sword and pointing it at Keres he commanded.

"Get up and put your hands above your head."

Keres remained laying on the floor unmoving. The guards seeing this slowly approached him and nudged him with his foot.

"Is he dead?"

Seeing no reaction from Keres the guard flipped him over. From what the guard can tell he saw that Keres was asleep and appeared to be fine. Taking out his whistle he blew to summon his fellow guards.

Thank you for reading ^_^...

Lord_Shamelesscreators' thoughts
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