

"Where am I?" I asked myself. Everything felt normal until I stepped outside of my house. I saw floating islands and a bunch of people riding dragons. I was confused and thought I was probably dreaming, so I pinched myself. I waited... Nothing happened.. Then I thought, the myth, was true. The people was not crazy. I stepped outside, and there was this girl that was standing there. "Um, what are you doing?" I asked. She jumped up, and said," You scared me, do you know your manners, mister?" I thought to myself, this is a weird world. "Sorry I didn't mean to." I said. There was awkward silence for a straight 20 seconds, until she asked,"Where are you from? You don't belong here do you?" I tried to remember a random city that was in the game. One of city was named "Ferro Frost." One of the coldest parts of the map. "I came from Ferro Frost." I replied. "Ferro Frost! That's one of the coldest parts of the map, impossible!" I looked at her and gave her a smile, and she looked back with surprised face. "Oh yeah I forgot my name is Chris." I said. "Oh sorry where is my manners, my name is Yuki." She replied. "Oh really, nice to meet you." I said, meanwhile shaking her hand. "Would you like to join me in a adventure?" She said. I gave her a nod saying yes. But I realized that this isn't a game anymore it's real life.

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