
Happenings in Mythweald- Part 1

She ran through the forest, her feet crunching on the leaves which had freshly fallen after the snow in the forest. Every crunch beneath her legs only gave more proof of her existence here that had people following her right now. 

She turned around, her eyes livid and her skin that had turned to the scaly nature which she belonged to. Bathsheba breathed heavily, catching some breath to see the men and women who weren't too far from where she was. Gunshots was fired and she suddenly took herself to hide, not able to run anymore. 

With her back against the trunk of the tree, she placed both her hands on her mouth and nose, not letting anyone know she was here. 

"Where did she go?!" asked one of the men who had been following her. His hand carried the bow with his back that carried a number of arrows with its tips made out of silver to stop and kill the black witch. 

Next chapter