
Heal- Part 2

Elliot walked towards the window, placing his hand on the window sill while staring at the snow which had covered the land around the mansion, "I was a rebellious child when I was young. My father wanted me to do something good in life, to live and have a life like the pureblooded vampires do. We were the average vampires, similar to the middle-class society except that unlike humans, we have available food walking around," he said, giving a pause and then continuing, "My brother stayed and I left. I wanted to live my life like a free bird. Do what I felt was right and what I was good at."

"You joined the theater," Penny said to see him nod.

"I did and I loved every part of it. I did try to get my father to see it, to make amends but that never happened until I joined Lord Alexander with his work here," it was good to hear that, thought Penny to herself.


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