
Spoiled Rotten

For the day, Liu Rushuang and Han Moze were sitting opposite each other, with a tempered-jade chess set between them. After five rounds, Liu Rushang finally admitted that her skill in chess was no match for Han Moze's.

"Can't you let me win a little, Ze?" She shot him a helpless look. 

She remembered that she never lost to anyone else in time ever since she was promoted as master of Blood Feast.

Even the Third Elder—the eternal fence-sitter—who taught her chess lost to her many times.

Therefore, she never expected that she would never win against Ze in chess.

What on earth was going on?

She frowned at Han Moze innocently—she did properly learn chess, after all.

Nonetheless, Han Moze made a sweeping motion with his right hand, splitting the black and white chess pieces as he put them into the container. At the same time, he flatly refused, "No way. Not unless you offer me something good."

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