
A Contract With The Devil

Whip! Whipppp...

After Lin Yimei stopped crying and laughing, she continued to ruthlessly whip Nangong Ba's body. There was both hatred and elation in her eyes.

Soon enough, Nangong Ba's clothes were all covered in blood and his face looked even paler than before. The deep bloody scar on his face stood out even more and although the joints in both his hands clearly didn't allow him to grip things, he still couldn't help but tremble. Despite being riddled with cuts and scars, Nangong Ba's face didn't look the least bit afraid or angry; all that was left was the same face of indifference and a little less sadness.

"Haha... even you have a time when you're down and out! That's truly karma!" Lin Yimei said mockingly when she saw how deathly pale Nangong Ba's face was and how he'd lost the grandeur of his old days.

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