
Through Tama's Eyes

Tama finished cleaning her fur and was ready to explore for food. If she was lucky, the two-leg called Kei might have some treats still in his pockets. She liked the dried fish he fed her. The thought of the food's taste made her drool.

A tiny brown field mouse made creaking noises across her path. Her eyes lit up with a game of hunt in her head.

Before she started, she wanted to be sure the two-leg kittens were sleeping okay. She checked a few sleeping heads and noticed they were breathing well in nap time.

It was time for some Tama fun.

She padded down the mouse's path, pushing her way through the partially opened bedroom door, and along the glaring white corridor. Her paws left prints down the freshly cleaned floorboards.

"Oi. Tama. Where are you going." Tama heard Kei call out to her.

She hurried towards his pocket to where he usually carried those treats for her.  She sat down before his boots and looked up to his tree-tall body with an expression begging for food.

Kei groaned and rolled his eyes. His hand discreetly fished around his pant's pocket, causing a crinkling sound from within. Tama's ears twitched at hearing the sweet noises. Her eyes widened with delight. 

"You fleabag freeloader." Kei grumbled as he dropped a small dried fish to the ground before her.

Tama hopped up on all fours. Her tail trembled with excitement. It relaxed into a question-mark curl as she gave his ankles a happy rub before snacking on the tasty fish treat.

Kei rolled his eyes again with sigh. His expression eased into a warm smile at seeing Tama devouring the morsel.  He strolled away towards the surgery area with a mop and bucket in hand, whistling a happy tune.

No longer in the mood to hunt with her belly satisfied on a-grade dried fish. She decided to take a stroll down the rest of the corridor.

She padded her way aimlessly along the corridor paths, which turned sharp angles here and there. The path eventually ended at a set of three doors. One on the left, center and right of her. Standing before her, and the right door, was that two-leg female Kei and Eiji called a nurse.

The nurse glanced about to see if anyone was behind her. Tama tilted her head to one side, not understanding why the nurse was scared.  The nurse let out a small yelp when she saw her. She sighed and patted Tama's head.

"It's okay. I'm only going to look, alright?" she whispered with a kind voice.

Tama didn't feel her actions were going to be kind. The twitchy feeling, she always felt in her tail and back legs when trouble was about to happen, was there. It was never wrong and always saved her life. This nurse was up to something not good. 

She slowly turned and scampered down the hall way to be away from the woman.  When she turned the corner to be out of sight and range, she felt her twitches stop.

Another strange feeling made her slightly wobbly and sad. She felt something strange was about to happen to the men who cared for her. 

She sat down to clean her paws and think about what to do next.

The dried fish Kei gave her still lingered about her mouth. Along with that strange feeling. It wouldn't be right not to go back and be sure.

She finished her cleaning and rebalanced herself on all fours. With determination, she returned to the door and saw it slightly ajar.  The nurse was kneeling on the ground before the box the men called a suitcase. She had it opened and was rummaging around inside, pulling out stuff the men wore and sighing with relief each time she did.

Was she looking for something?

Sounds of faint footsteps made Tama turn her head. She saw Tyne enter the corridor.

Tama turned her attention back to the nurse who had also noticed the noise, and was meticulously returning the clothes to the suitcase.

Tama checked on Tyne again who had been stopped by a woman in conversation.  

A short while later, the nurse slipped through the door and discreetly closed it.  She gave Tama a pat before leaving the corridor through the left door.


Tyne had finished his conversation with the woman to glimpse a fleeting image of Nana leaving the corridor via the left door. He didn't think much off her exit, since it was short-cut to the other ward.

He casually approached the door to the room he shared with the other three men, and saw Tama sitting on the ground before it. Almost like she was waiting for him.

"Sorry. I don't have any treats." He apologized, giving her plenty of pats and cuddles.

"By your sardine breath I'd say you already ate." He joked when he held Tama close to his face.

He gently placed her down to the ground and open the door.

Tama scrambled inside, keen to show Tyne the case that was propped up against the wall near a table and chair set.

She balanced herself on top of the case and sat patiently for Tyne to notice her.

He was busying himself with his clothes. Undressing out of his white coat, dirty shirt and slacks. 

"Tama." He sighed with a small smile when he shooed her off the case to grab a fresh set of clothes.

Tama padded quietly to his side, looking into the opened case as Tyne knelt over it.

Clean clothes were neatly folded and packed in a clever order.  Tyne didn't touch them. Tama tensed when she saw that his face was angry as he stared at them.

"Tama. I wish you could speak to me right now." He faced her.

Tama's tension eased when his expression relaxed and was warm to her.

"You saw the nurse do something to this case, didn't you?" he said as he tenderly patted the top of her head.

Tama leaned her head forward to receive more of his soothing, warm pats.  She felt disappointed when they stopped.

He pulled out a fresh short sleeved shirt and slacks to dress in. 

"Wrinkly, but will do until I find an iron." He groaned.

His groan lifted into a devilish smile. "That could give me an excuse to approach Suzuki-san. Don't you think Tama?"

Tama responded with a blank stare. She watched him pack up the case and check to make sure the room was secure and private.

Tyne opened the in-built oshiire closet and removed the futons and blanket. 

Tama's eyes widen with interest when he carefully removed the wooden floor panel to check on the metal parts and box (the men called a radio) stored in a hole the ground.

Tyne skillfully resealed the radio, returning the floor panel to its usual position. He stowed the bedding to the closet.

"I think it's time to go." Tyne whispered to himself when he closed the closet and stood to leave the room. "Not before I have some answers."

He opened the door to leave. 

Tama followed him out of the room, and his heels down the corridor. She was curious about what the man was going to do.

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