
5. Ryan

Not edited please point out the typos.

"How many times did I tell you last night that she wasn't a werewolf!", Ardia seethed at me with her hands folded.

I didn't answer her.

She had told me seven times.

"You wouldn't understand what you feel when you see your mate.", I told her.

Ardia was a daughter of two tracker werewolves which made her sense of smell more powerful than a normal werewolf. Which is why she was a tracker herself.

She had sensed Celestia's scent to be very different. She could easily identify a bit of werewolf in the scent but there were several other things going on in there. She didn't smell completely like a human nor a werewolf. All in all, her scent didn't resemble like any creature we've known. And trust me she had got a whiff of many things. She had even identified a hybrid merman living as human.

It irritated me to the last nerves. I understood it was because of an incomplete mate bond. Celestia wasn't eighteen to identify her mate with a strong feeling. But I doubted she would have identified me even if she was eighteen because she wasn't a werewolf. I just don't understand why every messed up thing had to happen to me.

When I saw her I had encountered pure bliss. I felt utterly happy and it felt that every pore and shred of my body cherished every piece of Celestia. It felt that my heart of incomplete for so long but at that moment all the pieces had stuck together and were telling me I could love her till eternity. At some point, I even saw her wolf calling out to me. But it was very weak and hazy. Like it wasn't actually there at all.

And it wasn't because she was not a werewolf. She let me kiss her and every cell of my body felt ignited by her touch and just when I had reached oblivion she had pushed me away and reality hit me hard. I wanted to be with her, to protect her and to touch her. But after I announced it to her she was my mate I have no idea what struck in her because she slapped me.

I, the Alpha of one of the biggest packs, got slapped.

Andy was pretty amused, obviously. "The only person who slapped you and is still alive.", he'd said. Even though I had a pathetic half mate bond, the feelings I had experienced could never be comprehended by him until he finds his mate. He'd be a sucker as well then.

"Can we just concentrate here please, gentlemen.", Ardea said to grab our attentions. Andy sniggered and she shot him a deadly glare which made him crack even more.

"I need to apologize to her.", I said.

"No shit, Sherlock.", Ardia shot back.

"What am I going to say though? Fuck this! She's making me crazy!", I moved a frustrating hand through my hair.

"Just relax, bro. You're handsome and you know it. Just get your charms on your sleeve.", Andy said.

Ardia groaned, "Yeah right. Give her more reasons to hate him. Look, she's definitely not the type of girl whose all about boys and their faces. You'll need to sound honest to her even though you're gonna say a white lie."

I and Andy stared at her for a good one minute trying to comprehend what she meant.

We failed miserably.

"Ugh! Boys! Look just tell her you respect her feelings and what you did was wrong and something took over you and stuff", she said.

"You're as bad as us, Ardy", Andy patted her back.

"No, I get it. I'll just tell her how I felt minus the mate and werewolf stuff. And then apologize.", I said.

"Now can we get outside this janitor's closet, please. I'm pretty sure I saw Diana and Kevin waiting outside for their make out session.", Andy said.


The confidence that I had developed seemed to dissipate as I saw her in the hallway after the last class. Her silky brown hair bounced on her shoulders as she walked, trying not to bump into someone. She had a tired expression on her face but still her eyes had a beautiful excited gleam in them. As if, she had some amazing plans after school.

Is she meeting a boy?,  I thought to myself. That idea alone had my wolf scratching up my mind and howling. I felt extremely jealous and annoyed. In my haze, Celestia had walked out if the main door and I sprinted after her.

"Celestia!", I called out to her. She turned and when her eyes met mine her face gave away an extremely adorable blush and I squirmed.

Yeah, me. I, Ryan Shane, squirmed.

But as she realized it was me, she turned and walked faster away from me. I ran to catch her and stood in front of her. She cringed a bit.

"Look, I need to talk. I'm sorry for what happened.", I told her.

"There is nothing to talk about. Stay away from me, Ryan. Like twenty five feet away, always.", she said with her hand on her waist having an annoyed expression on her face.

I wanted to poke her nose.

I did not.

"I understand but you kissed me back and I... ", she didn't let me finish.

"Look dude, what you're not supposed to do when a hot guy just comes out of nowhere and starts snogging you.", she said.

She used a British slang could she get anymore adorable.

"You think I'm hot?"

"Yeah, well that's the problem with you guys. You have been blessed with a beautiful face and then you all think that you can get whatever you want. Have a new girl by your side every fortnight. I don't wanna be you bimbo of the week, fuckboy.", she half yelled at me and walked away.

Werewolves have one mate and they spend rest of their lives together. And there she was blaming me for something I could never do.

But I wasn't giving up. I ran after her again, "Look, Celestia, I'm really sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have done that. It was a bad move on my side. But I won't step back from what I think, which is I think you're pretty."

She scoffed at me, "To how many girls have you said this?"

"To no one! I'm not the kind of person you think I am. I just wanted to apologize for today, that's all. I respect your feelings, Celestia", I told her truthfully.

Her fierce demeanor faltered a bit. She looked at me trying to find the specs of falsehood on my face but she didn't. Her features softened.

"Fine. It's fine. Just stay out of my way from now. I've to go home now, my brother is waiting for me for his maths homework."

I rememebered Ardia telling me about the fosters, Celestia was living with.

"I can drop you to your home if you want.", I asked her. I didn't want her to walk alone.

"Which part of 'stay away from me' you didn't get?", she said.

"Ardia and Andy will be with me too. If that's what your worried about.", I said.

She looked at her watch and then to the road. To my utter happiness Ardia hopped on beside her.

"I was looking for you! Come on we'll give you a ride home.", Ardia said.

Celestia silently agreed and we went to my car. She sat on the passenger seat beside me. Sometimes I would catch her eyes in the rear view but she would look away. The other thing that was troubling me was very scent.

It was alluring to me as she was my mate but I knew there was something exotic about it. Something very different and unique. It wasn't fully human like. And it made me want to crave her more. Even when she left her scent lingered in the car and I heard myself sighing loudly.


It was time we met Charlie. The three of us went in the house after I parked my car  in the front of the resident door. Andy hopped off for car and took the keys out and opened the door. The house was huge. Werewolves in the old days were paid by the kings for their service to human kind and now we are paid by the government. I and Ardia usually crashed at the Pack House which was nearby in the woods. My mother complained but the pack house made me feel as if I was in the presence of my father. Like he was there watching over me.

Ardia on the other hand would be selling her house as she turns eighteen next month. She says that building is too painful to even look at as it was in there, her mother took her life. She stays at pack house or with Andy, depends on her mood.

Charlie comes out of his study as Andy calls him out, I saw he wasn't wearing his prosthetic and was having a crutch as his limping companion.

"What's up with crutch today, dad", Andy askes him.

"The whether has been a bit cruel today. Just some irritation, I'll call Dr. Dickson today to take a look.", he said as he side hugged Ardia and kissed her head.

"I was thinking I'd ask you to make that lasagna for me. But oh well.", Ardia said.

"Don't worry Ardy as soon as I'm fine. You'll see my mad cooking skills", he said chuckling a bit.

Ardia stands on her chair and speaks loudly, "So I'm gonna announce something, Charlie. Hear me out."

Here, we go again.

"The Alpha, Ryan Shane, of the strongest pack in the country, The Terra Pack, has  found his mate, a beautiful young wench of seventeen called Celestia Hales.", she finished dramatically and jumped off her chair.

Charlie's warm eyes crinkled and he gave me a heart warming smile, "Congratulations, Ryan, the pack was in need of the Luna. Why didn't you bring her here.", he then continued, "Celestia, huh, I don't remember any werewolf girl named that in our pack. Is she of some other one?", he asked.

"She's not a werewolf.", I said flatly. Charlie was about to say something when I cut him off.

"Yeah, she's not a human too. I think."

Charlie closed his mouth and gave me a pensive look. "Werewolves have werewolves mate. And very rarely in almost negligible chances, humans with some werewolf blood in past ancestory. What are you talking about, Ryan?"

Andy offered to this, "Her scent is very weird, dad. It's some sort of mixture of werewolf and human and some other things. There are so many things going on. We couldn't pin point anything.

Charlie looked at Ardia, the tracker female, she was busy stuffing her mouth with the third banana.

"What I'm hungry."

We stared at her and she heaved out a dramatic sigh and gulped what was in her mouth before clearing her throat, "We couldn't say anything as the scent of her is unique as a whole. Essence of a few things couldn't just give us any idea",  she continued, "She might have a bit of human scent because she thinks she's human. Some essence of werewolf might indicate werewolf ancestry. But as a whole she has something else, something pretty big."

"And she also radiates some powerful aura around her. Maybe because she's a Luna. Or maybe because she's something else entirely.", she finally finished.

"And she doesn't feel the mate bond", I said.

Andy snorted, "It's very refreshing to see him lovesick, though. The all fearless and mighty Ryan Shane, whimpering around like a pup."

I glared at him so hard that he excused himself for restroom.

Ardia looked uneasy. She wanted to say something but I knew she was holding back, I nodded at her, she gulped but said, "I... I think..we must go to the...withches."

Charles slammed his palm on the table, "No one will go to the witches. Don't even think about it, Ardia. Right now, you have a Northerner passed out in the pack house. First solve that."

We nodded silently at his words.

"I surely will do some reading done to see into this matter.", Charlie said.

After Andy had come back we all went to the pack house. Some other rank holding wolves who were here fretted us and we straight into my office.

The familiar crimson amd brown themed office greeted me. I sat in my chair and Ardia as well as Andy took their seats, too

Ardia looked at me. It was that very rare 'serious' expression, that was laced across her face, "I think we should go to the witches."


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