
Troy''s Diary Elves/ Humans in the Sealed Region


So let me get everything in organize to make a collected random thoughts from my research of this world.

This is I learned about the humans.

The origins of humans cannot be confirmed. Humanity claims to have been created by gods, but elves scoff at their claim as they have no mana in their bodies. {I learned this is just a misconception they do have mana it just very limited. I learned that due to the barrier it affected human jobs. there are lots of other changes but I have to learn more later} Humans were extremely dangerous on the continent according to the history recorded when they just developed a literacy system, but the elves accepted them, provided them with seeds, practical skills and knowledge. Using their determination and courage, the humans slowly steadied their foundation on the continent, even becoming the ruler of the continent using their numbers and courage. The humans then began to show greed and disrespected the natural environment which left the elves very disappointed.

And so the elves returned to their forests and never interacted with humans again. The humans split up into countless small nations and fought each other. In the end, Elizabeth Rosvenor conquered all of humanity. She controlled the area from the Grand Canyon to the North to the ocean at the Southern end. The small town of humanity was annexed and the area that was not conducive to management became a vassal. Elizabeth claims herself to the second ruler of Rosvenor. However, the people believe that the present "Rosvenor Empire" and "Rosvenor City" are two different things, therefore, Elizabeth should be considered the first generation ruler.

Management: The highest standing ruler of humanity is Empress Elizabeth. And with her unparalleled martial arts, nobody dares to question her rule. Beneath the empress are the Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Justice and the General Officers, the city mayor, finance officer, civil servants and judges. Military power belongs to the empress, and the general officers may only command the army in place of the empress during wars. If the empress personally joins an expedition, then the generals are just considered staff. Humanity is ruled based on dictatorship. Important matters are discussed in the conference hall, but the final say still lies with the empress nonetheless. The laws were established by the empress herself, and the judges are only responsible for practicing them.

Religion: The Pope is the thought leader. Their religion started as word-of-mouth from soldiers and eventually became an orthodox religion. The Supreme Protestant Church in the imperial capital has the right to interpret the teachings. Many towns and villages have chapels as well as missionaries responsible for passing on the teachings to the masses in hopes of converting their religion. {I never heard or believe in their God because I cant seem to find any cases of people receiving his blessing.} {I learned later that the God actually used most of its power to create the barrier along with the Elven Goddess. who was his lover and is currently sleeping. I personally think that the Elven goddess killed the Human god for cheating knowing the goddess..}

Culture and Technology: Humans have already grasped the usage of machines. Their smelting industry has developed, and their astronomical observations are developing well. In regards to agriculture, they have gained a lot of experience. The empress does not manage or provide protection for cultures, permitting the existence of differing views, consequently leading to a variety of literacy and music being widely circulated. Works that are considered outstanding have a copy saved in the imperial library. {when Alda extremist found out this later on....}

Military: The humans, or rather, the empress has the strongest army on the continent. Other vassal states virtually don't have armies and are surrounded by threatening armies. The army of the Rosvenor Empire is mainly made up of infantry, cavalry and artillery divisions. The army is structured based on the regiments. A regiment has a regiment chief and four staff officers. Under each regiment are two generals; four infantry divisions under the two generals, and two cavalry divisions, totalling forty-thousand people, as well as three artillery battalions, with two-hundred cannons. The Infantry is divided into line infantry, scouts and grenadiers. The cavalry consists of armoured chest plate cavalry and artillery cavalry. The cannons are designated based on battle terrain, and attack or defence objectives. At present, the ten defence regiments guarding the imperial capital are safe; while the fifty field operation and attack regiments are spread out nearby the vassal states. The empress's guard unit, the Valkyries are all women whom are orphans. The empress personally raised them. They worship her fanatically. All of them are elites capable of taking on a hundred soldiers alone. Marksmanship, horse riding, archery, swordsmanship, there's nothing they can't do. They are responsible for protecting the empress and the palace. They are the strongest reserve unit in times of war. They usually move around in groups of two hundred or so, and are divided into three teams. There are supposedly a thousand candidates, so even if one of them suffers severe injuries or dies, there will be a replacement for them the next day. {learned the Military ranking would be C or B rank in all of Lambda not including Valkyries}

Character: Humanities character is difficult to generalise. They are tough and courageous, never yielding. They will show greed and cowardice. However, humanity is still a friendly race. Humans have a comparatively vague notion of love. While they advocate loyalty, it's also common for them to have lovers, which is an open-secret for them.


The elves had already appeared when the continent had just taken shape. Early elves ate fur and drank blood. Being hunters at night, the moonlight was their best companion, which also led to them worshipping the moon. Their lust goes into full drive on full moon nights. They were a race created by gods; hence they have mana in their bodies and can use magic. {NOT TRUE THEY WERE LIED TO AND SHE ISNT THE MOON GODDESS SHES 'Yuno Gasai' She modified the creatures inside the barrier suit her needs to.... } They have a special culture for the natural environment as well as their worshipping practices of their gods. {the elders know the truth but they keep it hidden from the rest of the elves}They also have very long lifespans up to 500 years (dark elves 1000), causing them to lack a concept of time and developing slowly. Up until now, they remain a self-sustaining race. In the past, the elves were split into many different tribes and fought for many years over the mana of elves and the source of life, the holy springs. The Galadriel family then rose to power. They spilt the blood of others while practicing tolerance for their own. They killed off almost half of the elves and united half of the elves, thus becoming the ruler of elves. They also imitated human cities by constructing a large town south of the Grand Canyon. They are also the rulers of choice of the elves. {learned later the Galadriel tribe are also Dark elves just modified}

Management: The queen, Vyvyan Galadriel is the sovereign because she passed the tower of heaven. With the powers of a demi-god, she can easily destroy the continent, which is why she is worshipped by the elves. The eight elders are responsible for management. The elders have the highest degree of rights such as rituals, tax collection, gathering others for group activities and even warfare. However, Vyvyan actually holds their rights. Without Vyvyan's hand-written letter, they cannot even leave the city,

Culture and Technology: Elven technology is relatively underdeveloped. However, the metal and handicraft industry are still amazing. Humans are still amazed by the swords and bows they make. Their culture is flourishing just as ever. Poems, songs, and novels are widely circulated. But the queen gave the order that all authors and composers must hand in the original version of their work to be stored in the library.

Military: The elven army is much smaller compared to the human army. They only have eight regiments, with a total of forty-thousand people. The soldiers are armed with long swords and bows. Before closing in on the enemy, they fire arrows to disrupt the enemy formation, and once they close in on them, they draw their sword to kill them. Elves are taught swordsmanship and archery upon birth, so it's no challenge for one elf to kill four normal human troops. Every regiment has a high priest who is in charge of manufacturing potions, namely: explosion, combustion, freeze, and poison. They can quickly add the magic effects to their swords and arrows. Should time allow, elves can gather mana for a magic attack. The strongest regiment, the imperial guards, are responsible for guarding the palace. Their armour and weapons are personally blessed by the queen and thus possess god-strength. There are also the reconnaissance, assassination, infiltration and destruction, as well as the shadow squad.

Please note both queens have guidance skills

Character: Elves love battle! They love it! The elves are not a peaceful and passionate race. They crave war. Elves become strangely fanatical when faced with war. However, elves are sympathetic towards the weak. They also don't pursue wealth and power. From their perspective, bloodlines and mana is what gives the power to rule. Subsequently, they don't hold any rebellious ideas. In regards to love, elves are stubborn to the point it's almost considered an illness. If their lover is stolen from them during the time that they start falling in love, then they will give their heartfelt blessings, and will become close friends. However, if they cheat after marriage, the cheater and their partner will be executed out of anger, and their spouse who was cheated on will be celebrated as a hero.

Just learned Both Mothers can easily kill rank 13 with a slash

I heard this from van later that the gods said that when they die they'll probably be made into Great Gods...

This is just Troys observations some things may change based on his knowledge.

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