

The Empress adds sternly "Do you know how many have lost their lives already? Are you even aware of the pain of those who are fighting with their crippled body? They are giving their everything. For what?"

Maya still is desperate in Xavier's thoughts and speaks taking a step back from this scary Lady in front of her "Fire… They are shooting burning arrows! He has a huge scar on his hand from the last attack...He suffered a lot already. Are you going to do something with me or-"

The Empress raises her eyebrow arrogantly and states nonchalantly "Those burning arrows are shot everywhere. Every soldier will get shot and even die! Humans tend to get burned by fire. Have you ever thought of that one person? That person could die if the burning arrows shot him…".

The Empress stops speaking as she can not continue after that for some reason. She was tongue-tied or ashamed to even think of her actions in the past.

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