

Maya nods earnestly "Right.. I will ask something wisely".

Xavier is stuck in a difficult situation 'I don't want to force my opinions on you. And that might cause the Conspiracy incident to resurface again. If you ask to free from this marriage then everyone will know the truth about this marriage. People might again start to think that you were really planned to be killed by the Royals, because of your birth status ...I can't be selfish... This might affect the country too.. But this sudden marriage proposal is bothering me..What should I do?'.

Maya still wonders what she should ask.

He watches her still thinking and sighs 'She doesn't even know what would her future hold for her. She should use this wish wisely'.

When he finished thinking his thoughts, Maya was already asleep making him shake his head helplessly.

'She has no idea about my heart's condition, has she?'

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