
How to remove his robe without knowing-

Kalki had few reasons behind his patience throughout the troubled situations caused by her. He also had a reason behind his every moves till now. For instance, why he saved her.

What if she dies and he loses his power? More than that what if she dies and he again needs to search for a wife? It has been too easy for him as Maya was just a commoner without any problems. Even though she still stirred many problems for him, it is much lesser than some Princess! And moreover her trouble ended in a fruitful way for him till now. The conspiracy made people to pity her, her saving two people from penalty was hugely appreciated and finally she saved him.

What if he brought a Princess from other country? At first, he should have answered the questions from her Realm regarding that conspiracy against her on the first day.

No one from any Royal family would have let go of that incident where an Imperial Court Official looking down on their Princess!

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