
Should I call my men to undress my wife?

Marcus agrees with Matt "Yes! We can easily take many men with Her Highness' skill!".

Kalki "..." Why is everyone eager to take her in now? She is inexperienced -

Marcus speaks carefully as he can predict Kalki's thoughts "We should be escorting her back anyway. We will send her back if she couldn't take those guards! We will try. If we win, we can proceed with our next plan by sending Her Highness back to the Palace. She would be safe as this place will fall under our control after that".

Maya smirks at him tilting her head. She likes this huge man huh..Marcus.What a nice name! Of course it's a nice name because he is helping her!

But she really doesn't believe that she can leave Kalki alone even after capturing the fort. She should have controlled her mind before wishing! 

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