
Right place at the Right time!

Subconsciously Maya remembers Xavier who has been nice to her even from their first encounter. 

'Still ... Even if Xavier had those powers instead of him..would he stand against his beloved brother for me?! Knowing how much Xavier respects Kalki she couldn't trust Xavier anymore..when it comes to Kalki..'.

The thought filled her mind and made her realize that no one would be there for her.

She kneels on the ground exhausted and cries burying her face in her palms. Her shoulders tremble while she muffled her cries. She never cried loud.

Her cries screamed her anger not solely her sadness. It screamed her endless anger on herself! She is angry for her own madness!

Everyone in her village knows how arrogant and disobedient she is. But not many people saw her crying. She never allows herself cry in front of many people.

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