
Just the Emperor for me!

Kalki smirks playfully seeing Xavier's shocked face "You have met her before, haven't you?".

Xavier "…" I knew it! I knew that he would have seen through me!

Kalki leans back wondering "When was it?"

Xavier asks dumbly as he is nervous for unknown reason "When was what?"

Kalki just looks at Xavier strangely as if he is behaving odd.

Xavier gathers his wits back and clears his throat "The next day… after that night of attack".

Kalki frowns and nods subtly processing something in his mind. He wonders "Weren't you on your way to the Southern Country that day?"

Xavier couldn't help get speechless as he is well aware of Kalki's memory!

'Now he would definitely find everything!'.

Kalki stands and sighs loudly. He grabs his sword which he has places on a table and announces "With the drama she created today, I don't think she would be fine in the Royal Palace. Escort her back to the Pavilion".

Next chapter