
Come back to me My Lady!

Maya throws a fake smile "Yes! Someone even more handsome than you have promised me to teach me to ride a horse!".

Xavier sighs leaning towards a tree languidly "But he would be very unfortunate to get his head chopped off!".

Maya laughs at his statement "I don't want a handsome man to die because -".

Xavier holds her hand suddenly and warns "No".

Maya was spellbound by his sudden touch. Even though she had been held by him, this touch felt very different.

He warns again "Dare you say some other man handsome than I".

Maya just stands stoned.

Both were lost looking at each other. They were struggling with their own stream of emotions.

Xavier is looking at her eyes.

'I have never seen any brown eyes this attractive before... They are so expressive.. I wish..she takes religious beliefs and customs seriously. I've always heard that women in Hindustan would be very religious and conserved about marriage. Why doesn't she?'.

Maya is shivering under his hold. For some unexplained reason, she couldn't speak at all. But her breaths were behaving abnormal as if she is going to die just by breathing that hastily.

'What did I just hear?'.

Maya is bound by helplessness now.

'I can't pull my hands back. What if he really held my hand hard? He looks strong..what if he finds my strength suspicious?!'.

'Liar! Admit it! You like it!'.

Her mind rebuked her.

'It's great that he is holding my right hand..If he had held the left one... Who knows how he would have reacted?! I don't want him to think me as evil...'.

Xavier smiles "Aren't we married now? It's a sin to call other men handsome in front your husband. How dare you?".

Maya laughs shaking her head as the statement caught her off guard "You are good at teasing".

'Why does he even remember that? Is he mocking me? For thinking that simple gesture of wearing a chain as marriage?'.

Xavier sighs and shrugs leaving her hand "Now tell me My Lady. Would you like to learn to ride a horse....from me?".

Maya looks at him teasingly and walks forward aimlessly "Is that a request Sir?".

Xavier walks with her closely as if he is her shadow "I'd like to order straight but I want My Lady's consent even though I know your response".

Maya purses her lips in anger and tilts her head upwards to see him "What would be my response Sir? It's very grateful that you have decided for me already".

'Is he showing his dominance over me being higher official here? Is he hinting that I can't deny his order?! Then he is mistaking!'.

Xavier frowns sensing her anger "You should be grateful My Lady. I am helping without any charges! We both know you are new here and I wonder what kind of men would be teaching you... Not everyone would be like me".

Maya opens her mouth but frowns at his sentence.

'Who in this country would teach me for free?! And how can they be skilful than a higher official... What if I can't learn in future at all?! I have never seen a horse in my country! Then how will learn there when there is no horse!'.

She twitches her lips while thinking 'At least I will get this practical knowledge... However I can't learn anything if it's about writing and reading..'

Xavier nudges her "Come back to me My Lady".

Maya blushes at his sentence.

'Why does that sentence make me restless?!'.

Maya speaks "If you don't order me, then I will give my consent".

Xavier smirks 'So you don't like being ordered? How perfect for coming into Royal!'.

He smiles "Would you like to help you to arrange some place to stay?-".

He frowns suddenly "Where you are staying now My Lady? I fear you might not get any safe place-".

Maya chuckles "Please be rest assured Sir. I have a very luxurious place to stay today. It's not safe but really luxurious".

Xavier frowns seriously "Are you sure My Lady? I can help you if you need".

'Not safe? How can I let her stay in that place?'.

Maya smiles "I know you can. But I don't want to overexploit my resources. I have already planned to make use of it for horse riding!".

Her smile disappears suddenly.

'Why does my hand hurting now?'.

Only then she notices, she is holding her skirts in her left hand subconsciously hiding her injury.

Xavier looks around "It's dark now. Let me leave you to the place where you are staying".

Maya gets nervous "No".

Xavier looks at her confused "You don't want me to escort you?".

Maya gulps 'I can't allow that. Would he even think of teaching me if he gets to know the 'truth' about me?!'.

She lies "Someone is coming to escort me".

Xavier looks around and speaks "But I don't see anyone coming My Lady".

Maya says walking towards Charles "They will be coming soon".

'But I have to chase him before Celina or Sarah comes here! What if he knows them or they know him?! It will be chaos!'.

Xavier walks with her "Do you want me to wait till they come?".

Maya smiles looking at Charles "I would.. only if you like to show your true identity and make them think that I am related with a rich person and still lied them that I don't know anyone here!".

Xavier chuckles "You are chasing me!".

Maya throws him a fake smile "I am glad that you understand things very fast Sir!".

Xavier shakes his head "You are different My Lady...".

Maya shrugs "Obviously Sir. I don't belong this country".

Xavier arranges the saddle on Charles and says "Not anymore My Lady".

Maya remembers his chain and takes from her robes hurriedly.

'What if he needs it? What if he regretted giving such precious thing to me?'.

She forwards the chain towards him reluctantly "Sir? May be you need to get this back? You must be needing this".

Thanks for loving the story unconditionally. .. I deliberately didn't mention any period of this story because I don't think that I am good enough in keeping everything so perfect when it comes to remembering facts.. I lose my control over the facts while handling the emotions. .So our story doesn't belong to any particular country...period...dynasty... The story belongs to its own characters...

Hateeracreators' thoughts
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