
Rein your thoughts!

Maya is completely leaning on Xavier. His scent hits her nose and she felt his hands held her waist so that she wouldn't fall.

Xavier holds her waist stiffly in a right way so that she wouldn't feel awkward. He doesn't want to spoil his image.

Maya is still in shock as his masculine scent hit her nose strongly as they were leaning so close. She is almost gasping for her breaths.

She has never been so close to a man!

Not even with The Crown Prince! Who claimed himself as her husband!.

She felt his hand stayed stiffly and gets comfortable as his touch didn't send any wrong thoughts. But she is till nervous like crazy.

'I am allowing a stranger to touch me!'.

She scolds her herself for her narrow thoughts about a man helping her unconditionally!.

She tries to ease the situation and asks bluntly "Don't you get scared ...about.. Charles? Won't he ..push you down?".

Xavier chuckles lightly which made Maya's heart to go insane.

'God! This man's voice...'.

He speaks "Charles was presented by..Mother...My step-mother. He was very little when I first saw him. I raised him literally and he could never harm me. He is a brother to me now".

Maya feels him leaning forward while he pats at Charles. She could sense his adoration towards his horse. She ignores his shoulder brushed hers.

She asks hesitating yet curious "Would he... push me down..? If..I ...try to...".

She wonders 'Why can't I be quiet for sometime?! My curiosity and impatience are going to be my death!'.

Xavier mocks "Don't you fear them?".

Maya smiles stiffly and states "I don't fear him like ..I fear snakes..".

'Very well! Now he thinks I am afraid of everything!'.

Xavier smiles "Then I would teach you to ride him".

Maya smiles suddenly "Really?". She turns her head trying to look his face. She has an other big weakness too!.

Her temptation! Her temptation to try out what comes in her mind and do anything without thinking!.

'My tempting brain is also going to be my death!'.

She couldn't believe herself asking a stranger but she felt right at the moment!.

Xavier says seriously looking at her face noticing her impressive eyes "But I am busy throughout this week. I am not fortunate enough to teach you my lady as you are leaving my country".

Maya turns and sighs disappointed "True... I have to leave soon...".

'But I want to learn.....No Maya! Rein your thoughts! You are leaving!'.

Xavier wonders suddenly "Do you have any idea to tell your name, my lady?".

'How did I forget this important thing?! I am travelling with her for few hours now yet she bewitched me enough to forget my senses!'.

Maya states strongly "I don't want to lie to you ..Sir.. because you are helping me immensely. I wish to be quiet than lie to you".

Xavier frowns "Quite straight with that answer. You could have lied with some name".

Maya shook her head "We shouldn't betray someone who is helping us without any expectations. It's a sin .... as for me".

Xavier smiles "But I insist. Tell me a name so that I could remember you my lady".

Maya clears her throat "I really wish you forget me and my face Sir". Her words escaped from her mouth without realizing herself.

Xavier pulls the reins of horse suddenly making her to jerk. But he holds her waist close to him in time so that she wouldn't fall.

She gasps looking at his face tilting her head to face him "What happened?!".

Xavier was glaring at something with clenched jaws.

Maya subconsciously looks at his eyes and looks at his eyes' direction.

A creepy man stood in their way.

Maya's body shivers at his appearance as he was completely painted with weird black patterns on his face. His eyes were staring at them.

Xavier grips her waist protectively as he felt her shivering.

He whispers "Relax my lady. I will be back in a moment".

Before she could realize, Xavier hoped down from Charles and walks towards the man. He didn't forget to pat Charles before leaving Maya alone.

Maya was dumbfounded as she was left sitting like a statue on a horse which she never rode!.

'How could he just let me alone when he knows! He knows... I don't know how to ride a horse!'.

But to her surprise Charles stood like an obedient kid and didn't even move from his spot until Xavier came back.

Maya was very busy with her fear filled thoughts so she failed to look at them. She only looked at the man's face.

Xavier hops on to the horse again and yells "Aah!".

Charles fled immediately as if he got his signal.

Maya closes her eyes as the horse was literally flying. Her stomach was turning as she felt some butterfly sensations.

Before she could realize, she was herself holding Xavier as she doesn't want to fall from the horse and break her neck leading her to die.

Even though he was holding her waist tightly, she couldn't trust anyone with her life!.

Xavier remained silent throughout the travel as he was processing something in his mind seriously.

But he didn't forget to get a glimpse of the beautiful lady in his embrace. He wish to take her to his palace with him. He could have even kneeled before her to change her mind but unfortunately something came up.

He has to return to palace. He felt Maya sleeping in his embrace. It's almost half a day. He didn't get a chance to talk with her but he couldn't afford to delay the matter.

He has to leave Maya in the harbor as early as possible.


Maya was sleeping against a warm thing. She felt her hairs fluttering on her face yet didn't want to opens her heavy eyes. Her body was too exhausted.

Her sleep was filled with different dreams and there was this strange man too.

"We are here my lady".

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