

Guest please enter......

The seven of us then entered. After seeing who the guests were, the running man members were surprised and shouted happily. We then lined up and introduced ourselves, after it was my turn.

"Anyeong my name is Jinwoo I'm a newcomer." I said

"Anyeong jinwoo-ya, Congratulations on your successful debut." Jaesok hyung said the other members followed

"Thank you sunbaenim" I said

After introduction and chatting for a while PD-nim started talking.

PD : Welcome to the Countdown race, you can see the cellphone in front of you. Please take one by one.

I looked at the table there were 14 cellphones lying around. And without much to say we followed what the PD-nim said.

PD: Now look at your cellphone and don't show it to others. You will see the amount of time there and it will be your accumulated time. In this game you can lose time or get it if you steal other people's time. Inside this building on the second floor there is a station where if you occupy one of the three stations your time will stop.

Gery : So the person who gets the least amount of time should be there?

Jaesuk : Looks like Gery took a cellphone with little time.

Kwangsoo : There's nothing wrong with that.

PD : You can plan for yourself how you use your time, because at the end of the game there will be a final mission in this race, which I will announce later. After your time is up you will be eliminated and your role will be changed to the staff who will assist us in shooting.

Jinwoo : Wow...That means there is no showtime.

Jong kok: This is a disaster for sukjin hyung

Sukjin: Well!, I took a good time, you have to be prepared to lose.

Jong kok : Are you sure?

Sukjin: *laughs nervously*

PD : And your time starts from now.

Everyone fell silent with a sudden command. And suddenly everyone ran to the second floor.

Except for female idols.

Yuri: Yeah! I've never been to this event before, I don't know which way I should go.

IU: Me too.

They then looked at me and I ran away. Today is an individual mission isn't it. So I have to spend their time.

Taeyong: Yeah! Back here PABO.....

Yoona : Jinwoo-ya don't run

IU: Why am I already feeling tired

Yura : Jinwoo wait for me

I ignored them all and ran towards the elevator, I faced them and stuck out my tongue. My good heart is gone now I have to win this race.

When I got to the second floor I looked for a station here and there. when I found it and then sat in that place.

Jaesuk: The women will lose a lot of their time

Haha: Let's get it!

After more than 10 minutes of mussels the ladies finally arrived. they looked at me with fiery eyes.

Yura : *curse* Jinwoo Is a PABO!

I was shocked to hear yura talk rudely on TV, the members and the running man crew who heard that laughed.

I received 6 slaps on my back with taeyeon noona repeating it many times.

When PD-nim was about to explain the next rule, Jaesuk hyung took off Kwangsoo hyung's sweater and threw it on the floor. Making kwangsoo hyung spend his time picking it up.

Kwangso : Yeah! you*curses* punk

Everyone laughed at their antics.

PD : For the first game we will make 2 groups with 7 people. A different photo frame will be given to each group with 7 secret items. Each player must find one and head to the 16th floor office to find what they mentioned and come back here. The team that collects 7 secret items will win and will be given a chance to spin the roulette. The losing team will lose 20 minutes of their time.

After the PD-nim spoke the roulette was put into the room by the staff. I looked at the roulette and saw "Loss all the time you bet, 2 times the time you bet, and steals the time someone else bets according to your choice".

PD : As you can see there are two red options against you and 4 blue options in your favor. The winner can risk his time.

I sighed knowing I only had a 1/3 chance of losing time even if I won.

Teams are determined by PD-nim at random:








The rest are on other teams:






Ha ha


I think our team has a good chance because we have squat hyung, But when I saw IU, Yoona, Yuri, and Yura who couldn't find their way I sighed.

Haha: Yeah! your team is unfair, you have a strong man, a cheating duo and Jinwoo. And we have sukjin hyung

Haha hyung said he could only sigh. I also agree that our team is a bit too strong. But do I care?

We set the position first before the game starts. first is Yoona noona against yuri noona. Yoona noona easily finds hidden items in the flower pit while yuri noona has not found anything.


Now it's 5-3 to our advantage, thanks to squat hyung who found it so quickly. Next is Kwangsoo against Gery hyung.

Gery hyung was looking at the item and was about to pick it up before that Kwangsoo hyung took it first and threw it at Jaesuk hyung who threw it further and further.

Gerry: Yeah! you punk

When Gery hyung went to get the item, Kwangsoo hyung finally found the item first.

*Damn, Cheating everywhere*


This time IU noona fought sukjin hyung which was won by IU noona even though he returned with a little time. The pressure is increasing on the last player which is me.

We have a slight advantage with 6-5, Taeyeon noona and sunny noona are their last players. Taeyeon noona is already on the 16th floor I think. So I focused on the painting in the photo frame to find my item. Finally I found my camera-like item in the chimney. I went straight to the 16th floor, via a secret elevator straight to the office.

After I arrived, I found taeyeon noona looking for her item. when i searched for mine i found taeyeon noona's item. I smiled, it's time to practice something from Kwangsoo hyung.

I kept Taeyeon noona's item, and when I found mine under the table. After that I came out and taeyeon noona approached me with a frown

Taeyeon : Jinwoo-yeah I can't find my item, please help me....

He said with a pitiful face.

It requires self-control when I see it. But I just walked out. When I was outside I took out his item and mocked him.

Jinwoo : Is this what you are looking for noona?

Taeyeon noona saw me and shouted at me, I immediately ran downstairs with taeyeon noona still following me.

Jinwoo : I arrived

I threw my item into the box and our team finally won.

Taeyeon : Jinwoo took the item I found

Jaesuk and Kwangsoo hyung gave me a high five. They will definitely do what I did.

Haha: Wow!! Jinwoo turned out to be the same as kwangsoo

When Jihyo realized that Sukjin wasn't with them. Kwangso : He must have a lot of time.

Jaesuk : Everyone should try to take their time

Sukjin: Take it from me!. I have plenty of time for you to steal and I won't be eliminated

*Actually sukjin only has 17 minutes 31 seconds*

Now is the time for the winning team to spin the roulette. And the first one is kwangsoo hyung.

Kwangsoo : I bet 50 minutes

Everyone was shocked because 50 minutes was a lot of time. And that means kwangsoo hyung has plenty of time. He spins the roulette and unfortunately he loses all his bets.

Kwangsoo: *curses*

After everyone is done now it's my turn.

Jinwoo : I bet 2 hours

The whole studio was shocked that I made such a risky decision. I spun it when it was about to stop in red luckily I ended up in blue *steal as you bet from someone else*.

Jinwoo : I chose IU noona.

IU: Yeah! I will definitely repay you later, please don't do this

PD: Okay. Jinwoo added 2 hours to the time, while IU even though it was subtracted she was still alive

Haha: IU must have 24 hours on her cellphone like this. "Laughing"

Kwangsoo : Target locked

PD : Let's have lunch now.......

To Be Continued................

Next chapter