

The person in the Spiderman costume who fell unconscious due to being stabbed in the forehead. Had suddenly sprung himself back up and on his feet.

He pulled out the stiletto that stabbed his brain. Blood was spurting out of the new fresh hole but it was only lasted for a moment because it immediately closed up as if no such injury occurred there to begin with. Even the ripped out hole that was formed on his throat was recovering that effectively as well.

"What a familiar stab..." The guy said as he then pulled off his mask that was covering his head revealing his blonde hair and blue eyes.

The guy who was in the Spiderman costume was actually Peeta Everdeen. The same person who immediately surrendered to Linley in the beginning of this tournament.

This very tournament was rigged from the start. The tiny spider that bit Linley had been long planted on him since the beginning of the tournament waiting to possibly strike at him.

How exactly did it live so long without being destroyed in the midst of combat? The answer was relatively simple. It was because the spider was a soul attack to begin with.

A soul attack has no physical mass whatsoever. Normal physical interaction never really occur with such a thing.

The specific type of soul attack that was done on Linley was essentially a poison-type. It deal little damage over a period of time. The damage to the soul is reflected to both the mind and body. For Linley's specific case, his brain was basically turning into mush as his immune system in his body was soon starting to fail like in the case of H.I.V. Linley was actually turning into a vegetable during his fight against Peeta.

Peeta Everdeen was also a System using reincarnate. The world he had access to was called the Spider-Verse World. For some reason, a world can be consists of mainly Spiderman and his alternate universe Spidermans as it's own personal world without any true relations to mainline Marvel-related properties.

Peeta simply exchanged through system a new mask to covered his own old as he begin to properly look like a Spiderman once again.

Peeta had Spiderman's basic powers through the Spiderman Mutation that was purchasable through his System.

Peeta begin chasing down his targets in a certain direction. He didn't need to know why, because he has spidey-sense. Meaning he can be warned and directed of where he wanted to go.

Back to the current situation with Linley at hand.

"Elf maid, gave me your young master and I will give you a quick and painless death. Be in my way and your death will be slow and painful." Ark threatened with his sword directed at her.

Melarue stared at Ark with a look of annoyance and irritation as she still was holding her unconscious young master in her arms.

"You can drop the act now Alice. We don't have time for this nonsense." Melarue calmly revealed something that can be considered shocking.

"Oh! You really did found out. I thought my acting and disguise was well done. I was trying to be in character until it was necessary for me to actually reveal myself. When'd you figure this out?" Ark/Alice spoke in a feminine voice. Alice then sheathe her sword.

Ark was never truly a he. Ark was actually a she. And she was Alice. The whole Ark identity was something Alice needs to pretend to be along with her disguise for her role. People only thought Alice was a man because Alice changed her voice and height with special technique.

For warrior with sufficient skill and control. They can change their voice, height, even their muscular build.

An example of that is that a good enough female warrior can go change their physical shape and size from like miss Olympia to a dainty frail slender princess or back and forth whenever they feel like it.

Appearances can be deceiving. Linley can never imagine that Ark was a girl to begin with. And especially to be one of his maids in reality. Alice while disguised as Ark appeared to be a head taller than Linley, while Alice herself is actually a head shorter than Linley in terms of height.

The truth was this small change of physical appearance rarely impacted their actual physical strength. So this technique really doesn't matter, unless one wanted to be in disguise or to mess around. One must realizes their muscles only appear to have disappeared, but in actuality all of that muscle is still there in the body.

"It was really easy to figure this out after young master punch you once in the gut." Melarue spoke with a monotone expression.

"I see. But how did you even come up with that conclusion?" Alice assumed that Melarue figured this out on a mere guess, but she would like to know what excuses she comes up with on the spot.

"Why would a male knight trained by a church moaned at being punched by a guy? It was too simple to think of that person as a gay masochist. A masochist would enjoy taking a beating, so therefore what's the point of all of this heavy armor? Wouldn't that hinder the knight from finding joy in pain? Adding in your belt and it's ability to heal and hurt at the same time. This would means you're a sadist as well. A true pervert at it's core." Melarue explained.

"Judging by the fact, that this same knight usually defeat his foes in one punch regardless of their genders and appearance. Seems to my eyes, this peculiar knight find my young master special from what I could tell. This knight was only a masochist to my young master. Add in the fact that this same knight was only a sadist to I, the young master's maid. In public eyes, neither of these two information was well known in relations of this famed and popular knight." Melarue continued.

"I could only come down to a few conclusions at first. With my own personal knowledge at hand it was really simple, but even with general knowledge at hand. Just by knowing the fact that young master used to have two personal maids. One named Melarue and one named Alice. One must at least be able to imagine the relationship between the two. Therefore this was only a possible guess for the average people at best rather than the most likely. But I know for sure, for being too long with young master, that we maids would clearly get jealous of each other. Therefore, you were trying to shoo away me just so you can be along with young master for a longer period of time." Melarue finished as she was nodding to her own deductions.

'Sure, let's go with that line of explanation.' Alice thought to herself as she nodded to that explanation. Even though she originally wanted to hit Melarue with her belt for no actual real reason at all.

The two took so much time talking around. That Peeta the fake Spiderman had caught up and found them. He was running at the two from far away with speeds that would put Usain Bolt to shame. Even though every Warrior at his rank could do such a thing.

Melarue wasn't surprised a person could survive a stab to the brain. There are resilient people out there in the world.

"It's him. The person who attacked young master and made him like this." Melarue told Alice as she was holding up the bloody and bruised Linley who was foaming with drool at his mouth.

Linley may have fainted in Melarue's arm, but due to his new weakened state. Just by being in her arms as she was running at high speed. It had made Linley drool so much it became foam. It was so sloppy and messy, it had even started to cover Melarue's clothing. Melarue didn't really mind, but did enjoy this nonetheless.

"Oh." Alice didn't expect there to be a mysterious assailant after Linley. She had just assumed that Linley was just beaten up by Roland so bad that he had ended up like this.

Peeta the fake Spiderman saw the tournament's primary contender Ark standing in front of his targets Linley and his maid. He had assumed Ark had his own personal agenda and was an obstacle to them.

Peeta immediately charged forth and performed a dropkick aiming at Melarue and was trying to knock her out immediately. If his assumptions are correct, then Ark would only be slightly offended from witnessing such an action in front of him. After all, to the prideful and arrogant, they tend to look down on others far too much.

Alice step forward and stood in front of Peeta's attack. Alice simply grabbed Peeta's ankle with ease.


Alice thrown him to nearby wall. Peeta's body was smashed into it and created a web-like crackings behind it. Alice then simply drawn her sword and charged at Peeta with a single swift thrust.


The wall Peeta was on exploded by this thrust creating a hole in this building to the outside world. The hole was big enough to fit over a group of 10 people going through at once.

Peeta narrowly dodged as he rolled across the wall with his body.

"Why Ark? There is no reason for you attack me. I am merely claiming my targets that were trying to escape from me." Peeta tried to plead peacefully with this expert here. Negotiations were always an answer before violence.

"Why you ask? Simply put, your targets are now my prey. Stealing my prey. That's a heinous and capital crime. That combining with you offending a representative of the Church. Do you even respect me?" Alice changed to her masculine voice and arrogant acting. Because her enemy seems to be talking to Arc and not Alice.

"It seems my words can't stop this fight from happening. Ark. Show me the power of the this tournament's primary contender!" Peeta begin running at Alice at full speed.

Alice simply step forward and waited Peeta to come. Peeta swung a fist at Alice. As soon as the fist had contacted Alice's armor. Alice's entire appearance seem to have shattered into glass.

Alice's shattered glass appearance then exploded into a flash of light.

"What?" Peeta was surprised at what's going on.

Then four bright flashing lights swung at Peeta's limbs. Amputating all four of limbs. Leaving him harmless in appearance.

Naturally Alice had performed a Battle Technique. She of course had one of those. It's usually meant to be a trump card or to end fights quickly.

Peeta's four new bloody stumps were gushing blood out. Peeta suddenly heard these words from Ark.

"Melarue, if you please." Ark in Peeta's eyes seem to have appeared next to elf maid who was holding Linley.

Peeta was shocked to see a representative of the Church of Augusta is actually affiliated with the Baron's son's maid. Naturally that could imply many things. These sudden thoughts occupy his head.

Melarue was performing hand gestures with one of her free hands as she was still holding on to her young master.

"Twisting Tornado." Melarue chanted her wind elemental magic spell.

An initial funnel-shaped tornado that turned into a tunnel made of roaring gusts and blades of winds blasted towards Peeta.

Peeta and his four separated limbs were all sent flying by that spell through the hole that Alice recently made.

Peeta was in the center of that attack and his limbs were rotating around on the edges. Peeta was sent directly forward and was now falling off the building itself.

His four limbs on the other hand were all sent flying fast in four different directions from Peeta. Peeta was no different like a piece of turd in the wind. Normal people can't survive this situation, not even the real Spiderman could survive this situation.

Now that Peeta had left the building. Alice and Melarue went back to their conservation.

"Really now. I'm sure you could have taken care of this person yourself as long as you didn't hold back." Alice said. After all Peeta didn't seem like a threat at all.

Melarue shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders.

"Revenge was doable. But my priority is to ensure young master's recovery and safety first. That is the duty as his maid." Melarue explained herself.

"Hmm. Then hand over him right now then." Alice stared at the elf girl.

"...Fine." Melarue had a sad expression and wanted to not listen to her but in the end knew what must be done.

Linley was tossed from the arms of his loyal maid like a hot potatoes into another pair of arms. Linley was still being princess carried.

Alice was holding Linley like a baby. As she begin use her Light Elemental Battle-Qi to begin healing Linley. Naturally, this could only heal his physical injuries and not injuries to the soul or mind.

"I'm more used to being a healer than a fighter. You of course knew this already. Melarue." Alice was holding a smug face that was hidden under her helmet to Melarue.

"..." Melarue felt really peeved that she lacked the ability to heal.

The two continued on their intended goal and path. Naturally, they didn't get lost like Linley, because Alice was here.

Alice was Ark. Ark was an guest representative from the Church of Augusta to Havian Academy. Therefore Alice had a guest badge to not get lost in this labyrinth type magical formation.

What is the purpose of Alice or Ark here? Especially after summoning a Greater Demon to attack Havian Academy. This terrorism seems to be a bad thing to do. Especially when her young master Linley is trying to go to this Academy.

It was actually simple and was not really talked about between Alice and Melarue. Since they already the know the truth at hand.

After all, Alice, Melarue, and Linley all being here is actually all apart of the Linley's dad, Draco Arthur, the Baron's plan.

Why send Linley here? Why send Melarue here? Why send Alice here?

Add those three questions together. One can get an obvious answer.

The truth of the matter was very simple. Draco Arthur, Linley's dad, the Baron actually planned out this entire attack on Havian Academy

Alice was in on it and so was Melarue. That's why Melarue wasn't confused or even panicking one bit unlike Linley.

Linley would have been in on it too, but the Baron felt it was unnecessary to tell him this information since he would have forget about it. It would have been terrible if his son were to spoil his surprise.

Making Linley being known as a Dragon Contractor. Making Linley also being known to hold a Treasure of Calamity by his own personal death. It was all planned.

One must know being rumored to have been planted a priceless treasure item on their own precious child who has immense potential would easily gathered their enemies like flies.

Linley the Baron's son was no different from bait from the hands and schemes of the Baron. Dangling the big bait long and wide across this complicated chess board game of fore-planning.

The Baron's true goals, his ambitions, his purposes were all unknown to Alice and Melarue.

They only know for sure if that the Baron truly loved his son. He would have kept sheltering and kept him a secret from the world. It was actually simple to have Alice and Melarue just live with Linley in the countryside and to have a peaceful and relaxing life.

One must also know that Alice was only able to become a knight of the Church of Augusta because of the Baron's mysterious relationship with the church itself.

That's why Alice and Melarue had their own plans to escape with their young master from the Baron's clutches and ruthless schemes.

If one was wondering about the little girl Cthulhu, Melarue immediately abandoned her once she had got lost in the crowds. Melarue had her priorities and that was to find her young master first and leave as soon as possible. Therefore, Melarue had no qualms abandoning her.

At the airship port, Melarue and Alice with Linley as dead weight had arrived here.

"You see that the ship with the ornaments of gold emblems and angels. That's the airship belonging to the Church of Augusta. Melarue, you go first and need to assassinate all the key members who can release a distress signal. I will soon come in later and finish off the rest of the crew and staff with you." Alice spoke her plan and instructed her on personal details on the security and internal layout.

"Do we need not the crew and staff to fly the ship?" Melarue asked curiously. Since those are members of a transport vehicle for a reason.

"No. I can fly the airship by myself. I have personally trained myself on how to do this in my free time. Trust me for the sake of young master." Alice said.

"Okay." Melarue knew how much devoted Alice was to Linley. Even though she was much older than them. She was at least very loyal to this side that benefit and aid Linley.

The heist of the airship gone smooth and easy. There were virtually no problems, because Alice was a member of the church and was at least someone enough high rankings to know the ins and outs of this very airship.

Disposing of the corpses of their victims took much time. Therefore both of them chose to ignore it for the time being.

Alice who has holding Linley. She had already healed most if not all of Linley's physical injuries, but he was still sleeping like a baby in her arms.

Alice and Melarue decided on a room where Linley is going to stay at where he can recover and rest in peace.

Alice started the airship casually and with ease. Naturally they weren't going to fly directly out of this Havian Academy. That would have been stupid, because there was a giant flying spider monster fighting an equally powerful expert in the sky.

There was a good reason why they stole this airship. Not because it was fast, nor was it most luxurious, but it had a trump card that most other airships don't have.

This specific airship of that belong to the Church of Augusta had a teleport crystal. One can use that teleport to teleport and traverse long distance like a warp. Of course it had a resting period of one month, therefore it is only used for emergencies.

Havian Academy and Havian City. No, more specifically Faulen Kingdom itself is in the center of this very continent called Sky Blue Continent.

Sky Blue Continent is over 100,000 kilometers long and wide.

Alice and Melarue intended to leave with their young master from the Baron's grasp. They wanted to go so far, they were planning on leaving this very continent itself and their destination in their mind happened to be another continent.

A continent called the Soaring Dragon Continent. Known to be where the dragons live. Alice and Melarue were trying seek a new home. A new shelter possibly under the dragon who Linley had contracted with. Far away from this place. Far away from the Baron.

Alice had also the geography of the world in her free time, so naturally she knew where she was going when driving this airship.

The teleportation crystal can warp about over 50,000 kilometers of distance. Meaning they could nearly leave the continent so far in one teleport.

Unknown to both Alice and Melarue. This teleportation crystal that's apart of this very ship is all apart of the Baron's plans.

The airship that used to belong to the Church of Augusta was now owned by Linley's two maids and by proxy Linley owned this airship too now.

Of course as soon as the three could leave. They left Havian Academy. And they were now in an airship flying across over the open seas.

At the bottom of this airship, there was an unwanted guest and intruder who latching onto the bottom the ship. He had a red and black metal armor with spider logo. He had four mechanical spider arms on his back that grabbing onto the hull of this airship.

This is Peeta wearing a Iron Spider suit now. Don't think losing limbs is good enough to kill him. He was even more tougher to kill now since his specific suit is made of a mixture of Marvel's Adamantium and Vibranium.

Peeta didn't mind losing his four limbs if it can make his enemies drop their sense of security. After all, he was strong enough with certain enhancements he exchanged from the system to even grow new limbs with ease.

Peeta was being low key and stealthy now. Peeta doesn't know what other trump cards the Baron's son is keeping in his hand. Even though he too has his own trump cards.

Peeta even took a sci-fi communicator device in his hands that was in the shape of a spider. His communicator-type magic artifact couldn't grab a close enough signal right now.

"Leader. This is Spider. The Baron's son may be troublesome than I imagine. Requesting reinforcement. I will plant a tracking device to mark my location." Peeta spoke.

"Understood. I will send over Invincible right now!" The leader spoke with haste.

Spider/Peeta felt incredibly shocked. Invincible was literally invincible to even Spider himself. That's how strong he basically was. For the leader to send him over. What had happened at Havian Academy?

Next chapter