

It really pains me to do this, as I didn't want to just leave without any announcement, but as I don't think I will be able to continue writing the novel for now. As I got the internship I was expecting my time is really limited, and now that I have to take care of my gran too I really don't have the means to continue.

I was expecting the job, if it was only it I would be able to continue, but sadly my grandma's health took a hit recently as some of you know. So I have to take care of my priorities, and unfortunately, this story can't be one of them. I may be able to return one day, maybe rewrite it in a better way, as I have A LOT of ideas for it, I wanted to make Neville the savior instead of Harry it would be a twist~ (and this is just one of a lot more, I had even planned some things about Camelot, Merlin and a lot more) , I really wanted to put it in motion, but as I said, at the moment I can't.

I really tried to continue, the last two chapters were made in the time I'm supposed to be sleeping, and as I was taking more time than ideal I was forced to make this decision.

I'm sorry if you are disappointed, as even I am too. I loved the community that was forming together with the novel, and it grew so fast! I was really happy with it to be honest, but sadly it seems I took the wrong time in my life to start writing.

So again, sorry and thank you for everything, I hope I can do it again in the future and that you all enjoy if I do so!

~Bows out~

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