

Thanks for waiting, yesterday was a really long and hard day for me and my family… Also, I don't know if I will be able to write three chapters a day like before, I will try to do two, but I guess I can almost guarantee one, as I will pass more time at my gran`s house for a while, and later with the internship. Also, I decided to change a bit of how I write the novel, I guess putting everything in the Mc perspective can be a bit weird and not show what's really happening, I will try another style this chapter, so please tell me your opinions on it.

Thanks again~


There was uproar at the flight practice field, each house standing up for their own, just Hufflepuff kept quiet, there wasn't anyone from their house included, there were some upset people in their midst, they thought it was Draco`s fault if anyone else, but they also blamed Harry and Luke for not complying with the rules. Still, they were more sympathetic for the latter two, as they were just standing up for a friend.

Luke, Harry, and Draco followed the three professors for a while until they didn't hear the commotion on the field anymore.

Draco was the first to talk as soon as they stopped. "Prof. Snape, Potter and Pendragon ganged up against me, I was just defending myself."

Hearing Harry's name Snape expression darkened a little and said "Well Potter, already using your fame to bully someone else, why I'm not surprised? See Minerva? Draco here was the victim." He said seemly forgetting about Luke.

It was Flitwick instead that responded. He wasn't satisfied with how things were going. He saw that the Malfoy's kid was attacking his student, and the latter was just dodging, even more, he already considered Luke one of the brightest of the first year's students followed by Hermione and Daphne that was showing a lot of determination lately.

"You can't decide something like this just asking one person Severus! They all deserve a chance to speak." Snape continued glaring at Harry's, already convinced he was in the fault.

"We didn't gang up on him! He was mocking Neville and stole his remember-ball; we were just standing up for him!" Harry said while glaring at Draco.

"Is that true Mr. Pendragon?" Minerva asked, she was still a bit disappointed for what happened, but she softened a little after hearing the reason. She also has some quidditch plans for Harry as her house team was in a dire need for a seeker.

Luke nodded and told them what happened in more detail, he told them how Draco wanted to hide Neville's remember ball, how he taunted them again and again and even disrespected his royal family for being a muggle family.

Hearing the part from the disrespect for being a muggle, Flitwick already took Luke side; he suffered a lot of prejudice for being a goblin descendent, and despised bigotry.

Luke continued, telling the professors how Draco threw the remember ball away, making Harry chase it. And as there is no need to hide something that everyone already saw, he also admitted that he riled Draco too, explaining that it was his words that made Draco lose his temper and start attacking.

Luke hid that he was dodging him just for humiliate Draco a bit and just told them that he only knew one spell, the trip jinx, and told them that if he used it, Draco could fall his broom and the consequences would be catastrophic.

Flitwick was even more satisfied with his student response, an outstanding Raven indeed. And for the looks of it he also has the talent for being a great duelist, he showed good dodging skills even while standing on a broom, that's no easy feat. And also a very calm mind, which was essential if one wants to be a duelist. As a champion himself, he was excited on the prospect of teaching someone like him if Luke shows more talent and interest he wouldn't deny teaching him how to duel.

"Did you see Severus? Their stories looked quite different than Mr. Malfoy`s." Said Flitwick, but he worked with the Slytherin house head for a while and knew how he gave preferential treatment for his students, so he continued. "I suggest that each Head punish their own student, what do you say Minerva?"

Noticing Filius intention of resolving the problem in the least problematic way she agreed and took Harry away with her. She had to introduce Harry to someone.

Snape didn't like the way it was handled, he wanted to punish Potter, but seeing how the other two heads already took their decision and since it was Minerva that had authority over him, he just dismissed Draco and went away.

Draco sent one last glare against Luke and went to find his frien-, err followers to complain about what happened.

Flitwick called Luke to accompany him to a walk.

"You do not need to worry Mr. Pendragon, you will not be punished, but I want to talk a little with you. You see, as I'm of goblin descent, I had to face a lot of prejudice, while not the same, you as a muggle-born will also face it, especially from some noble wizard families. Mr. Malfoy here already gave you a bit of its taste today." Flitwick said.

Luke nodded and the professor continued.

"In time I came to regard those who judged me as ignorant rather than malevolent, you see, most people simply want those around them to be simple so that they would be easier to understand, as opposed to simply acknowledge the fact that people are complex. As a muggle-born and the fact that recently the times changed a bit as well, you have it easier, the fact that you're from the most powerful muggle family as well helps a little too." He chuckled at the last part. "But I want you to remember that while it's very easy to retaliate at times, the best way to show superiority is not by violence, be a bit thick-skinned and you will be okay, I must say I was impressed with the way you handled the situation today, you're a Ravenclaw true and through, using words against spells, hahaha it was quite like me when I was younger. That's all I wanted to say to you Mr. Pendragon, and if you need anything, you can find me at the teachers' hall."

Luke thanked the professor and went back to the flying field to see if there were someone waiting for him there.

He was quite satisfied with the result, while not perfect since Draco got away scot-free, he made a good impression on Prof. Flitwick, and that was more than enough to consider it a win in his books.

Thanks again for the support, it was really appreciated.

I don`t plan to drop the novel, and truth be told, writing it helped me calm down a bit.

Tell me what you think about the change in the writing style.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Hope you enjoy o/~

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